


The emphasis in workers' compensation has been shifting to creating safer workplaces.

On Jul 18, 2024



(Figure: MSB and MSC of Pollution) Use Figure: MSB and MSC of Pollution.Assume that firms are the only beneficiaries of pollution and that costs are borne solely by others in the society.Suppose pollution is unregulated.What level of emissions tax would move the level of pollution to the socially optimal level?

A) $100 per ton
B) $800 per ton
C) $500 per ton
D) $300 per ton

On Jun 29, 2024



When you speculate about the cause of a problem,you are forming a ________,a potential explanation that needs to be tested.

A) hypothesis
B) prospectus
C) quandary
D) supposition
E) direct analysis

On Jun 14, 2024



Which of the following financial institutions reported the largest bankruptcy in U.S.history in September 2008?

A) Morgan Stanley
B) Goldman Sachs
C) Lehman Brothers
D) JP Morgan Chase
E) Barclays Capital

On May 30, 2024



What is a correlation coefficient? Give several examples of correlations and be sure to interpret the nature and strength of the relationship described.

On May 03, 2024

A correlation coefficient is a statistical measure that describes the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to 1, with 1 indicating a perfect positive correlation, -1 indicating a perfect negative correlation, and 0 indicating no correlation.

Several examples of correlations include:

1. The correlation between height and weight: This is a positive correlation, as taller individuals tend to weigh more. The strength of the relationship can vary, but it is generally considered to be moderate to strong.

2. The correlation between studying time and exam scores: This is also a positive correlation, as more time spent studying is typically associated with higher exam scores. The strength of the relationship can vary depending on other factors, but it is generally considered to be moderate.

3. The correlation between smoking and lung cancer: This is a negative correlation, as smoking is associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. The strength of this relationship is considered to be strong.

4. The correlation between exercise and stress levels: This is a negative correlation, as regular exercise is associated with lower stress levels. The strength of this relationship can vary, but it is generally considered to be moderate to strong.

In each of these examples, the correlation coefficient would provide a numerical value to quantify the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. This information can be useful for understanding the connections between different factors and making predictions or decisions based on these relationships.


When revising and proofreading an email message,what considerations should be made?

A) The message should be inviting and open the opportunity for dialog.
B) The font should be easily readable, in black on a white background.
C) The message should include colored text to highlight important information.
D) The message should be copied to all those who may need the information.
E) The subject line should be intriguing.

On Apr 30, 2024