


Which of the following kinds of deviance is best understood through a positivist perspective?

A) higher-consensus deviance
B) lower-consensus deviance
C) immoral deviance
D) medical deviance

On Aug 02, 2024



William Foote Whyte's "Street Corner Society" is an example of which method of research?

A) Survey
B) Interview
C) Experiment
D) Participant observation

On Jul 25, 2024



Hawaii's experiences with health care reform suggest the advantages of

A) a single payer health care system.
B) a for-profit health care system.
C) a convergent hypothesis health care system.
D) having multiple payers in a health care system.
E) allowing hospitals to make their own decisions about what technologies to purchase.

On Jul 07, 2024



Which of these statements is the best description of social class in the United States?

A) There is a very simple class structure with a very few wealthy landowners and the majority of others living comfortable lives.
B) The social class system is very simple because throughout the society, there is relative equality.
C) In the United States, social class is determined largely by occupation and thus is very malleable.
D) The U.S. class system is elaborate; it could be depicted by a ladder with a different social class at each rung.

On Jul 05, 2024



"Normal accidents" refer to the idea that technology will not fail if human subjectivity can be removed from its implementation and operation.

On Jul 03, 2024



Social behaviorists like George Herbert Mead challenge radical behaviorists' _____. Select all, but only those that apply.

A) focus on observable behaviors
B) passive conceptualization of actors
C) focus on stimuli and response
D) assumption that human and animal behaviors are largely the same

On Jun 30, 2024

A, B, C, D


Which of the following is not a special issue the text offers to consider when working with people having a different national origin than that of the social worker's?

A) Learning about the U.S. system
B) Linkages with the ethnic community
C) Maintaining ties with the country of origin
D) Making an effort to ensure the client becomes a dual citizen of the U.S. and his or her country of origin

On Jun 06, 2024



Briefly explain the functionalist view of family: why they exist, what they provide to society, and how they are affected by social change

On Jun 05, 2024

The functionalist view of family is based on the idea that families exist to fulfill certain functions that are essential for the stability and well-being of society. According to functionalists, the family provides a number of important functions, including socialization, economic support, emotional support, and the regulation of sexual behavior.

From a functionalist perspective, the family is seen as a vital institution that contributes to the smooth functioning of society. Families socialize children, teaching them the norms, values, and behaviors that are necessary for them to become productive members of society. Families also provide economic support, as they are responsible for meeting the material needs of their members. Additionally, families offer emotional support, providing love, care, and a sense of belonging to their members. Finally, families help to regulate sexual behavior by establishing socially acceptable forms of sexual relationships and reproduction.

However, functionalists also recognize that families are not static and are affected by social change. Changes in the economy, technology, and cultural norms can impact the structure and functions of families. For example, the rise of dual-income households and the increasing prevalence of single-parent families have altered traditional family dynamics. Additionally, changes in attitudes towards marriage, divorce, and cohabitation have also influenced the way families are formed and maintained.

In conclusion, the functionalist view of family emphasizes the important functions that families provide to society, including socialization, economic support, emotional support, and the regulation of sexual behavior. While families are essential for the stability of society, they are also influenced by social change and must adapt to new circumstances in order to continue fulfilling their functions.


Relatively few people are employed in the leisure and recreation industries.

On Jun 03, 2024



What process is the implementation of the work clock an example of?

A) progress
B) rationalization
C) consumerism
D) McDonaldization

On May 31, 2024