


All of the following are among the major factors used to explain how people make causal attributions of behavior except:

A) distinctiveness
B) externality
C) consensus
D) consistency

On Jul 13, 2024



The conflict process begins:

A) when one party intends to interfere with the other's goals.
B) when one party does something that actually interferes with the other party's goals.
C) after the first party does something that causes the second party to take a similar hostile action.
D) when scarce resources, different values, or other conditions exist that potentially causes conflict.
E) when both parties are informed by a third party that they have a potential conflict.

On Jul 10, 2024



In the context of scholarships, need refers to

A) your academic standing.
B) your past accomplishments in the arts or athletics.
C) what your family can afford to contribute toward your tuition.
D) the total cost of your tuition.

On Jun 13, 2024



How can organizations encourage creativity?

On Jun 10, 2024

For a creative spirit to emerge from a company or a department, the environment must encourage enthusiasm and commitment from the employee. Work must be made rewarding, challenging, and fulfilling for a creative atmosphere to exist. If a company shows that the employee's opinions are respected and valued, it will logically follow that the employee's creative solutions to problems will be valued as well.


The single dimension among the Big Five personality factors that would be most appropriate for use in selecting employees across the broadest range of occupations is the conscientiousness factor.

On May 14, 2024



Heightened Homes is a real estate firm based in Texas. The company ensures that employees' pay is dependent on what they are capable of doing. The company also supports efforts to empower its employees by encouraging them to be independent and to make decisions in various areas. This, in turn, ensures job enrichment. Based on this information, identify the pay structure being utilized by Heightened Homes.

A) straight piecework plan
B) skill-based pay systems
C) merit pay system
D) differential piece rates
E) standard hour plan

On May 11, 2024