


Why are hydrocarbons considered hydrophobic?

A) Hydrocarbons exist as isomers.
B) Hydrocarbons contain oxygen atoms.
C) The covalent bonds between carbon atoms are polar.
D) The covalent bonds between hydrogen and carbon are nonpolar.
E) The hydrogen bonds between hydrogen and carbon are nonpolar.

On Jul 18, 2024



Which structure develops from an evagination of the ectoderm in the roof of the embryonic oral cavity?

A) Anterior pituitary
B) Posterior pituitary
C) Thyroid gland
D) Adrenal glands
E) Pancreas

On Jul 14, 2024



Describe the seven tests of just cause. How do these tests protect the rights of employees?

On Jun 18, 2024

When making a determination as to whether an employee was discharged for just cause, arbitrators will apply seven criteria. First, they will determine whether employees were given adequate notice or warning of the consequences of their conduct. Second, they will determine whether the rules were reasonably related to the discharged employee's performance. Third, they will ascertain whether the alleged violation was thoroughly investigated before discipline was meted. Fourth, they will evaluate the investigation procedures to determine whether they were fair and objective. Fifth, they will assess the proof, looking for "convincing" proof of guilt on the part of the employee. Sixth, they will examine similar past situations to ensure that the discipline was not discriminatory in nature. Finally, they will judge whether the discipline was reasonably related to the worker's record and the severity of the conduct.


Robert Paine conducted a study in which he removed sea stars, which prey mainly on mussels, from experimental plots in a rocky intertidal zone. With sea stars missing, mussels took over the plots, crowding out seven other species of invertebrates. In this community, sea stars function as ____.

A) endemic species
B) exotic species
C) pioneer species
D) keystone species
E) indicator species

On Jun 14, 2024



The principle of nuclear equivalence states that

A) developing cells become specialized to carry out specific functions.
B) developing cells follow particular differentiation pathways.
C) there is no loss of genetic information through determination or differentiation.
D) differential gene expression is responsible for variation among cells.
E) nuclear changes can take place during the entire life of an individual.

On May 19, 2024



Which of the following methods to establish workplace governance is suggested by the critical industrial relations perspective?

A) Human resource management with voice (i.e., employee participation) .
B) Labor unions.
C) Laws of supply and demand.
D) Worker control of organization.

On May 15, 2024