


A(n) ___ is a socially shared cognitive generalization about the qualities and characteristics of the members of a certain group or social category.

A) stereotype
B) law of small numbers
C) group attribution error
D) extremity bias
E) prototype

On May 15, 2024



If Country A produces 7,000 units of goods and services using 700 hours of labor, and if Country B produces 5,500 units of goods and services using 500 units of labor, then productivity is lower in Country A than in Country B.

On May 15, 2024



El Niro Inc. is automating processes so the company can meet its demand with a smaller workforce. The CEO asks Megan, the vice president of human resources, for advice on how to address the resulting labor surplus. Megan studies the workforce and observes that many employees are in their 50s and 60s. Furthermore, these employees are the highest-paid workers in every job category. Based on this information, what should Megan suggest as the most effective way of addressing El Niro's labor surplus?

A) The workforce should be downsized, with layoffs focusing on the older employees.
B) Retrain the older employees in order to make them work more productively.
C) Provide performance-based pay to increase production output by the employees.
D) Replace the employees with contract workers.
E) Offer early retirement incentives to the employees in their 50s and 60s.

On May 15, 2024



Privity of contract is usually required in order for a party to be bound to a contract or have rights under a contract.

On May 12, 2024
