


Rupert is from an upper-class family and, despite his many advantages such as private tutoring, he cannot manage to graduate high school. What does his lack of success at school demonstrate?

A) meritocracy
B) professionalization
C) cultural capital
D) credential inflation

On Aug 03, 2024



Why is content analysis a valuable research method for sociology? What can it be used to demonstrate?

On Jul 29, 2024

Content analysis is a valuable research method for sociology because it allows researchers to systematically analyze and interpret the content of various forms of communication, such as written texts, images, and media. This method can be used to demonstrate patterns, trends, and themes within the content, providing valuable insights into societal attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Content analysis can be used to demonstrate the prevalence of certain ideologies or representations within media and popular culture, as well as the ways in which these representations may influence or reflect societal norms and values. It can also be used to examine the portrayal of social issues, such as gender roles, race relations, and political discourse, and to identify patterns of bias or discrimination within the content.

Furthermore, content analysis can be used to track changes in societal attitudes and values over time, providing a historical perspective on cultural shifts and developments. By systematically analyzing and interpreting the content of various forms of communication, content analysis can help sociologists gain a deeper understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of society and culture.


Critical race theory is associated with which of the major theoretical perspectives or schools of thought in sociology?

A) structural functionalism
B) conflict theory
C) functional theory
D) symbolic interactionism

On Jul 24, 2024



The highest incidence of poverty anywhere in the world is in

A) East Asia.
B) sub-Saharan Africa.
C) eastern Europe.
D) the Arctic.

On Jul 06, 2024



According to Talcott Parsons, gender forms a complementary set of roles that link men and women into family units. Socialization teaches boys which types of roles?

A) cooperative
B) instrumental
C) aggressive
D) expressive

On Jul 04, 2024



Karl Marx used the concept of _____, which he defined as belief systems that support the status quo, to explain why people who do not benefit from a capitalist system would still support it.

A) class consciousness
B) principled thought
C) ideology
D) moral imperative

On Jul 02, 2024



What do we learn from the Milgram authority experiment? What do these results tell us about human behavior? Are these results inevitable?

On Jun 29, 2024

The Milgram authority experiment showed that people are often willing to obey authority figures, even when it goes against their own moral beliefs. This experiment revealed the powerful influence that authority can have on individuals, leading them to act in ways they might not have otherwise.

These results tell us that human behavior can be heavily influenced by social and situational factors, such as the presence of an authority figure. It also suggests that people may be more likely to comply with unethical or harmful requests when they come from someone in a position of power.

However, these results are not inevitable. While the Milgram experiment demonstrated a strong tendency for obedience to authority, it also showed that not all participants were willing to follow through with the authority's commands. This suggests that individual differences, personal values, and ethical considerations can also play a significant role in determining human behavior.

Overall, the Milgram authority experiment teaches us about the complex interplay between social influence and individual agency, and highlights the importance of understanding and critically evaluating the impact of authority on human behavior. It also serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of blind obedience and the need for ethical decision-making in the face of authority.


Which of the following is a self-defeating thought?

A) I must know everything about this job and my counseling should be flawless.
B) Mistakes happen.
C) My clients may sometimes feel unhappy.
D) I should help as much as I can.

On Jun 06, 2024



Most Middle Eastern children live with

A) their grandparents.
B) their godparents.
C) their mother only.
D) both parents.

On Jun 03, 2024



Elder care in the modern family is best characterized by

A) a range of approaches depending on family characteristics.
B) a standard cultural approach.
C) a dependency on governmental support.
D) respect and compassion for both elders and their caregivers.

On Jun 02, 2024