


Which of the following tasks may be delegated to a CNA or NAP? Select all that apply.

A) Irrigating a newly created colostomy
B) Collecting and testing a stool sample for occult blood
C) Digitally removing stool as a result of a fecal impaction
D) Assisting with placing a fracture pan on an immobile patient

On Jun 27, 2024



The nurse is reviewing percussion techniques with a new graduate nurse. Which action performed by the graduate nurse while percussing requires the nurse to intervene?

A) Percussing once over each area
B) Striking with the fingertip, not the finger pad
C) Using the wrist to make the strikes, not the arm
D) Quickly lifting the striking finger after each stroke

On Jun 26, 2024



After the death of a patient and before other nursing interventions are implemented,the nurse should:

A) place the patient in a supine position and elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees.
B) wait an hour to prepare the patient for viewing.
C) place the patient in a side-lying position to allow drainage.
D) exclude the family while the body is being prepared.

On May 28, 2024



A patient has a morphine sulfate patient controlled analgesia (PCA) to control postoperative pain.When the nurse enters the room,the patient complains of pain.The nurse's first response is which of the following?

A) Stop the infusion.
B) Call the physician or health care provider immediately.
C) Ask the patient to describe the pain.
D) Speak to the patient in a calming tone to reduce anxiety.

On May 27, 2024