


The Communications Decency Act was struck down by the Supreme Court because it
Violated the

A) First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
B) equal time rule of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) .
C) right of rebuttal of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) .
D) Fourteenth Amendment due process clause.

On Jul 11, 2024



The First Continental Congress was

A) the meeting arranged between British and colonial forces to negotiate the end of the Revolutionary War.
B) the British government's lawmaking body for the colonies prior to 1776.
C) a loose affiliation of small farmers and artisans that organized protests against British rule between 1770 and 1774.
D) a group of colonial delegates assembled in 1774 that called for a total boycott of all British goods.

On Jul 06, 2024



What is the relationship between independent issue advocacy and 527s and 501(c)s?

On Jun 06, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Independent issue advocacy is defined as campaign expenditures by advocacy groups like 527s and 501(c)s that occur independently of the formal organizations of candidates and political parties.Generally, contributions are unregulated, but independent expenditures cannot be coordinated with parties and candidate organizations and cannot expressly advocate election of particular candidates for federal office.


Which of the following was NOT part of the ethics rules enacted by Congress in 2007?

A) a prohibition on lobbyists from paying for most meals,trips,parties,and gifts for members of Congress
B) a requirement to disclose the amounts and sources of small campaign contributions collected from clients and "bundled" into large contributions
C) a requirement to disclose the funds lobbyists use to rally voters to support or oppose legislative proposals
D) a prohibition on all PAC contributions to members of Congress

On Jun 02, 2024



What was the key to American security during the nineteenth century?

A) the largest naval fleet in the world
B) troops stationed on the borders
C) geographical isolation
D) the largest nuclear arsenal in the world

On May 06, 2024



Generally speaking,state defendants seeking a federal writ of habeas corpus must

A) show that they have exhausted all available state remedies and must raise issues not previously raised in their state appeals.
B) demonstrate that the they are not guilty of the accused crime beyond a "reasonable doubt."
C) hire the solicitor general to represent them.
D) receive amicus briefs from at least three civil liberties organizations.

On May 02, 2024