Asked by Quin'Dasha Scott on Sep 30, 2024



Brenda has learned to take an over-the-counter medication 30 minutes before she eats a spicy meal.When she does this,she is able to prevent the heartburn and indigestion that she would experience otherwise.What does this example illustrate

A)  classical conditioning 
B)  positive reinforcement 
C)  escape conditioning 
D)  avoidance conditioning

Avoidance Conditioning

A learning process in which an individual learns to prevent the occurrence of a negative or unpleasant outcome.

Classical Conditioning

An instructive procedure where two stimuli are regularly associated, causing a response at first provoked by the second stimulus to later be provoked by the first stimulus exclusively.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Drugs available for purchase without a prescription, used to treat common or minor ailments.

  • Understand the significance of avoidance and escape learning in behavioral adjustment.

Verified Answer

Tasfiya Islamabout 17 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
This example illustrates avoidance conditioning because Brenda is taking action to avoid experiencing heartburn and indigestion by using the medication before eating a spicy meal. She has learned to associate the medication with the spicy meal, and thus is able to avoid the negative consequences of the meal by taking the medication beforehand.