Asked by Steven Enrique on May 16, 2024



Graph the equations to determine whether the system has any solutions. Find any solutions that exist. {x2+y2=16x−y=−4\left\{ \begin{array} { r } x ^ { 2 } + y ^ { 2 } = 16 \\x - y = - 4\end{array} \right.{x2+y2=16xy=4

A) (0,−4) ,(−4,0) ( 0 , - 4 ) , ( - 4,0 ) (0,4) ,(4,0)
B) (0,−4) ,(0,4) ( 0 , - 4 ) , ( 0,4 ) (0,4) ,(0,4)
C) (0,4) ,(4,0) ( 0,4 ) , ( 4,0 ) (0,4) ,(4,0)
D) (0,4) ,(−4,0) ( 0,4 ) , ( - 4,0 ) (0,4) ,(4,0)
E) no solution exists

Graph Equations

The process of plotting points or drawing curves on a coordinate plane to represent solutions of equations.

  • Graph equations and determine the existence of solutions.

Verified Answer

Fesseator WrightMay 20, 2024
Final Answer :
Explanation :
First, let's solve the second equation for y in terms of x:

x−y=−4y=x+4\begin{align*}x - y &= -4 \\y &= x + 4\end{align*}xyy=4=x+4

We can substitute this expression for y into the first equation:

x2+y2=16x2+(x+4)2=16x2+x2+8x+16=162x2+8x=02x(x+4)=0\begin{align*}x^2 + y^2 &= 16 \\x^2 + (x + 4)^2 &= 16 \\x^2 + x^2 + 8x + 16 &= 16 \\2x^2 + 8x &= 0\\2x(x+4)&=0\end{align*}x2+y2x2+(x+4)2x2+x2+8x+162x2+8x2x(x+4)=16=16=16=0=0

Solving for x, we get $x=0$ or $x=-4$.

If $x=0$, then $y=4$ or $y=-4$. So one solution is $(0,4)$ and the other is $(0,-4)$.

If $x=-4$, then $y=0$ by the second equation.

Therefore, the system has two solutions: $(0,4)$ and $(-4,0)$. The graph of the two equations is shown below:

\draw[<->,thick] (-5,0)--(5,0);
\draw[<->,thick] (0,-5)--(0,5);
\draw (0,0) circle [radius=4];
\draw[domain=-5:5,smooth,variable=\x,blue] plot ({\x},{\x+4});
\filldraw[black] (0,4) circle (2pt) node[anchor=south west] {$(0,4)$};
\filldraw[black] (0,-4) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north west] {$(0,-4)$};
\filldraw[black] (-4,0) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north east] {$(-4,0)$};