Asked by Jo Carol Carter on Sep 29, 2024



1H nuclei located near electronegative atoms tend to be ________ relative to 1H nuclei which are not.

A) shielded
B) deshielded
C) resonanced
D) split
E) none of the above

Electronegative Atoms

Atoms with a high ability to attract electrons towards themselves, which affects bond polarity and molecular structure.


A term used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to describe a nucleus whose electron cloud is perturbed in such a way as to reduce the shielding effect, often leading to an upfield shift in the NMR spectrum.

  • Understand the effect of functional groups on the deshielding or shielding of protons.

Verified Answer

Mallory Batesabout 7 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Nuclei located near electronegative atoms tend to be deshielded. This is because the electronegative atom can pull electron density away from the nucleus, reducing the effective shielding of the nucleus and causing it to experience a stronger magnetic field, resulting in a downfield shift in the NMR spectrum.