Asked by varati chalice on Sep 30, 2024

What is the central feature of the civil service system?

A) Merit-based, nonpolitical employment and promotion
B) The fitting of job openings to agencies' needs
C) The development of elaborate job classifications
D) The separation of political and nonpolitical positions
E) A nonpunitive, competitive promotion system

Civil Service System

The civil service system is a merit-based recruitment and employment method for government officials and employees, intended to promote fairness and efficiency in public service.


A system or process where decisions or selections are made based on individual performance, skills, and abilities rather than other factors such as nepotism or patronage.

Nonpolitical Employment

Positions within the government or public sector that are filled based on merit and qualifications rather than political affiliation, ensuring neutrality and efficiency in public service.

  • Comprehend the foundational concepts and historical development of the civil service system, encompassing the Merit System and the Pendleton Act.
  • Acquire knowledge about the principles and consequences of making hiring determinations in the civil service system.