


What is a stereotype?

On Jul 29, 2024

A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Stereotypes are often based on assumptions, generalizations, and oversimplifications about a group's characteristics, and they can be related to a person's race, gender, age, nationality, religion, occupation, social class, or other attributes.

Stereotypes can be both positive and negative, but even positive stereotypes can have harmful effects because they can create unrealistic expectations and prevent individuals from being seen as unique and multifaceted. Stereotypes are perpetuated through various means, including media representation, cultural traditions, and social interactions, and they can lead to prejudice and discrimination when people treat others differently based on these preconceived notions.

It's important to challenge stereotypes by seeking out accurate information, engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds, and considering people as individuals rather than representatives of a group. This helps to foster understanding and respect for the complexity and diversity of human experiences.


In Milgram's research on obedience

A) participants thought they were shocking someone else, although they really weren't.
B) participants did not think they were administering shock to someone else, although they actually were.
C) the "learner" was a real participant, while the "teacher" was a confederate of the experimenter.
D) teachers who refused to shock learners were threatened with shock themselves.

On Jul 03, 2024



The _____ is the idea that people experience certain bodily changes as emotions,and they come to associate those changes with positive or negative contexts,which helps guide their decision-making process.

A) emotion script
B) somatic marker hypothesis
C) assimilation effect
D) implicit association test

On Jun 29, 2024



Research on the physiological basis of hunger has indicated that

A) there is no relationship between stomach contractions and the experience of hunger.
B) hunger continues in humans whose cancerous stomachs have been removed.
C) rats whose stomachs have been removed must be force-fed to prevent starvation.
D) the secretion of ghrelin is reduced when the stomach is empty.

On Jun 02, 2024



Use a short form truth table to answer the following question.Which, if any, set of truth values assigned to the atomic sentences shows that the following argument is invalid? (E⋅∼H) ⊃G∼(H∨G) ∼E\begin{array} { l } ( \mathrm { E }\cdot \sim \mathrm { H } ) \supset \mathrm { G } \\\sim ( \mathrm { H } \vee \mathrm { G } ) \\\sim \mathrm { E }\end{array}(EH) G(HG) E

A) E: T H: T G: T
B) E: T H: T G: F
C) E: T H: F G: T
D) E: F H: F G: F
E) None-the argument is valid.

On May 30, 2024



Suppose that Madison has just begun dating Wayne. While at his house, she notices some family photos on the coffee table. She notices that-even though Wayne himself is not overweight-every other member of his family is clearly obese. Somehow, this makes Wayne seem less attractive to Madison. Madison's attitude illustrates ____. ​

A) prejudice contagion
B) stigma by association
C) the discontinuity effect
D) the social context bias

On May 03, 2024



Many older people lose their hearing for high-pitched sounds due to tissue degeneration near the beginning of the basilar membrane.This is best explained by the ________ theory.

A) gate-control
B) frequency
C) dissociation
D) place

On Apr 30, 2024