


Which of the following is the best definition of systematic risk?

A) A theory showing that the expected return on any risky asset is a linear combination of various factors.
B) A risk that affects at most a small number of assets. Also called unique or asset-specific risks.
C) A risk that influences a large number of assets. Also called market risk.
D) Positively sloped straight line displaying the relationship between expected return and beta.
E) Principle stating that spreading an investment across a number of assets eliminates some, but not all, of the risk.

On Jul 28, 2024



Evaluate the argument "In the context of challenges in horizontal coordination, the knowledge providers face a motivation problem called the needle-in-a-haystack problem."

On Jul 25, 2024

Answers will vary. Horizontal coordination faces challenges with motivation and ability from both the source of and the recipient of knowledge.
Even when subsidiaries may be motivated to both seek and provide knowledge, they are often limited in their ability to transfer knowledge. For instance, at the IFC, hundreds of projects are completed each year by subsidiaries across the globe. As a result, it is difficult for a project manager in Vietnam to know what prior projects are relevant for her current project. In fact, she is likely to not even aware that similar projects have been completed within the company. This "needle-in-a-haystack" problem is particularly challenging in global companies where personal interaction is limited. To solve this problem, global companies create extensive knowledge systems that house past projects and related questions and answers. In addition, some knowledge may be more tacit in nature and require personal interaction. Because of this, many global companies keep up-to-date contact information available so those looking for knowledge can contact those who may have relevant knowledge, and they create norms that allow quick responses to colleagues' requests. For instance, one global consulting company has a response policy that requires colleagues to respond to requests within 24 hours.
The section "Horizontal Subsidiary Coordination" on pages 286-287 discusses the needle-in-a-haystack problem. Students can use this section to make their own interpretation and answer this question.


A ________ refers to the use of the same brand in a different product line.

A) line extension
B) brand extension
C) product mix extension
D) co-brand
E) brand license

On Jun 28, 2024



Intercompany scope is broader than intrafunctional scope.

On Jun 25, 2024



The marginal benefit Joseph gets from purchasing a fourth pair of shoes is

A) the same as the total benefit he gets from purchasing four pairs of shoes.
B) more than the marginal cost of purchasing the fourth pair of shoes.
C) the total benefit he gets from purchasing four pairs of shoes minus the total benefit he gets from purchasing three pairs of shoes.
D) the total benefit he gets from purchasing five pairs of shoes minus the total benefit he gets from purchasing four pairs of shoes.

On May 29, 2024



Jack and Jill have identical skills and training,but Jill earns higher wages in her job.Which of the following reasons would best explain why Jill earns more than Jack?

A) Jack has a chronic illness and would lose health care coverage if he changed jobs.
B) Jill suffers from gender discrimination in the workplace.
C) Jack has better access to information about available jobs in his field.
D) Jill is reluctant to move to a new city because she wants to live near family.

On May 26, 2024