


Which of the following is required for diversity-of-citizenship?

A) Only that the plaintiff not reside in the same state as the defendant.
B) Only that the plaintiff reside in the same state as the defendant.
C) Only that the controversy concern an amount in excess of $75,000.
D) Only that the controversy concern an amount in excess of $100,000.
E) Both that the plaintiff and the defendant reside in different states and that the controversy concerns an amount in excess of $75,000.

On Jul 12, 2024



McDonald's restaurant located near the high school offered a Tuesday special for high school students. If high school students showed their student ID cards, they would be given 50 cents off any medium combination meal. This practice is an example of:

A) collusion.
B) price discrimination.
C) two-part tariff.
D) bundling.
E) tying.

On Jul 10, 2024



Why are analytical reports more challenging to write than informational reports?

On Jun 12, 2024

Writing analytical reports presents a greater challenge than writing informational reports,for three reasons.First,you're doing more than simply delivering information; you're also analyzing a problem or an opportunity and presenting your conclusions.The best writing in the world can't compensate for flawed analysis.Second,when your analysis is complete,you need to present your thinking in a credible manner.Third,analytical reports often convince other people to make significant financial and personnel decisions,so your reports carry the added responsibility of the consequences of these decisions.Moreover,if you're the only person who thinks a particular issue is a problem,your readers won't be interested in your solution unless your report first convinces them that a problem exists.As with marketing and sales messages,sometimes you need to "sell the problem" before you can sell the solution.


A group that is characterized by the use of program activities is called a:

A) Support group
B) Education group
C) Self-help group
D) Socialization group

On Jun 10, 2024



The balance sheet accounts are referred to as real or permanent accounts.

On May 13, 2024



The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 is notorious for which of the following reasons?

A) It spawned a global trade war.
B) It triggered the Great Depression.
C) It favored imports over domestic producers.
D) It is a classic example of the dumping argument.

On May 11, 2024



Refer to Scenario 16-3. By its willingness to spend money on advertising, Bertollini

A) signals the quality of its new product to consumers.
B) signals that it is not a profit maximizer.
C) is detracting from the efficiency of markets.
D) will drive YumYum out of the market.

On May 10, 2024