


Which of the following is one of the traits shared by most successful leaders?

A) integrity
B) external locus of control
C) perceptual predetermination
D) high need for power

On Jul 30, 2024



Which of the following is the best definition of lockboxes?

A) The need to hold cash to take advantage of additional investment opportunities, such as bargain purchases.
B) Much like an automated teller machine card; one use is within corporations to control access to information by employees
C) Bank makes proceeds of cheques deposited available the same day before cheques clear.
D) The need to hold cash as a safety margin to act as a financial reserve.
E) Special post office boxes set up to intercept and speed up accounts receivable payments.

On Jul 27, 2024



Does Max have any legal recourse to prevent the property from deteriorating?

A) No, Max does not own the property.
B) No, because Gil has possession of the property.
C) Yes, as a future owner, Max can bring legal action to recover damages.
D) Yes, as a future owner, Max may hire contractors to make the repairs but only if he pays for the repairs.
E) Yes, as a future owner, Max may hire contractors to make the repairs and Gil must pay for the repairs.

On Jun 30, 2024



Totals and subtotals in a consolidation worksheet are derived by adding/subtracting down the group column.

On Jun 27, 2024



Explain how to design motivating jobs using Herzberg's motivator - hygiene model and the job characteristics model.

On May 31, 2024

Herzberg claimed that two types of factors affect a person's motivation: motivator and hygiene factors.Motivators,such as job challenge,lead to job satisfaction but not to job dissatisfaction.Hygiene factors,such as working conditions,prevent job dissatisfaction but can't lead to job satisfaction.Managers need to structure jobs that focus on motivators because they lead to high job satisfaction and performance.The job characteristics model focuses on adding five motivators to the job (skill variety,task identity,task significance,autonomy,and feedback).Whether an employee responds favorably to an enriched job is dependent on her knowledge and skill,growth-need strength,and contextual factors.


Managers face a fundamental challenge in balancing task demands and ________ demands in their communication with employees.

On May 28, 2024



Ryan and Peggy hold the same position at Vineyard Rustica. However, Ryan earns more than Peggy. In the context of pay structure, which statement justifies the organization's decision to pay Ryan more than Peggy?

A) Ryan works the night shift, and night hours are less desirable for most workers.
B) Ryan is a U.S. citizen; therefore, his pay should be higher than that of non-Americans.
C) Peggy is pregnant; therefore, her productivity is assumed to be lower.
D) Ryan is physically disabled; therefore, he should be paid more than Peggy.
E) Peggy lives in a location where living expenses are higher.

On May 01, 2024



An impairment loss is the difference between the carrying value of the asset and the future value of the asset.

On Apr 28, 2024
