


Statement I: The president basically makes monetary policy.
Statement II: The Board of Governors of the Fed serves at the president's pleasure and can be summarily dismissed.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.

On Jun 08, 2024



Andrew comes from a low-status ethnic group but is a practising lawyer. How does this impact on his social class?

On Jun 08, 2024

One problem with assigning people to a social class is that they may not be equal in their standing with respect to all of the relevant dimensions. A person might come from a low-status ethnic group but have a high-status job, whereas another may live in a fancy part of town but not have finished high school. Social scientists use the concept of status crystallization to assess the impact of social class inconsistency. The logic is that when these indicators are not consistent, stress occurs because the rewards from each part of such an "unbalanced" person's life are variable and unpredictable. People who exhibit such inconsistencies tend to be more receptive to social change than those whose identities are rooted more firmly.


The closing of a bad-news message may do all of the following except

A) anticipate future relations or business.
B) reference resale or promotional information.
C) include coupons, samples, or gifts.
D) restate the bad news.

On May 12, 2024



The statement of cash flows

A) is prepared instead of an statement of income under ASPE.
B) is used to assess a company's ability to generate cash and the needs of the company in using the cash flows.
C) is prepared from a comparative statement of income.
D) reports basic earnings per share figures on a cash basis in the body of the statement.

On May 09, 2024