


The American Psychological Association (2010) has dealt with ethical concerns about the use of deception in research by

A) calling on researchers to guide all of their research decisions in accordance with the overriding principle of respect for the dignity of persons
B) issuing a policy that bans the employment of deception
C) issuing a policy that calls on individual researchers to use extreme discretion in protecting participants from undue risk of physical and/or psychological harm
D) permitting the use of deception if researchers carefully adhere to a specific set of guidelines

On Sep 28, 2024



In the "Focus on Research" in the clinical chapter,research by Rosenhan (1973) was presented in which people were admitted to psychiatric wards.This research demonstrated that

A) false negatives can interfere with treatment and improvement
B) false positives are extremely rare occurrences
C) false negatives usually occur in clinical settings and hospitals
D) false positives can bias the way people are viewed and treated

On Sep 24, 2024



The major difference between emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping involves

A) the intensity of the stressor.
B) whether one attempts to reduce the emotions associated with the stressor or solve the problem directly.
C) the ability to perceive the stressor.
D) whether the stress is familiar or unfamiliar.

On Sep 22, 2024