


An investment project that requires a present investment of $210,000 will have cash inflows of "R" dollars each year for the next five years.: If "R" is less than $42,000, the payback period exceeds the life of the project. II) If "R" is greater than $42,000, the payback period exceeds the life of the project. If "R" equals $42,000, the payback period equals the life of the project.
Which statement(s) is (are) true?

A) Only II and III.
B) Only I and III.
C) I, II, and III.
D) Only I and II.

On Jul 30, 2024



The delay in revenue collection should be considered when deciding whether or not you should offer credit to customers.

On Jul 27, 2024



College graduates who dislike business risk will mostly seek to be hired by firms as labor, rather than starting their own firms as entrepreneurs.

On Jun 30, 2024



(a) A vacant lot acquired for $83,000 cash is sold for $127,000 in cash. What is the effect of the sale on the
total amount of the seller's (1) assets, (2) liabilities, and (3) stockholders' equity?
(b) Assume that the seller owes $52,000 on a loan for the land. After receiving the $127,000 cash in (a), the
seller pays the $52,000 owed. What is the effect of the payment on the total amount of the seller's (1) assets,
(2) liabilities, and (3) stockholders' equity?

On Jun 27, 2024

(a) (1) Total assets increased $44,000
(2) No change in liabilities
(3) Stockholders' equity increased $44,000
(b) (1) Total assets decreased $52,000
(2) Total liabilities decreased $52,000
(3) No change in stockholders' equity


What are the three steps of the opening phase of an interview and why is each step an important part of this phase?​

On May 31, 2024

The three steps are rapport,orientation,and motivation.Rapport (a feeling of mutual comfort and receptivity)should be established during minutes 1-4 of any interview to create a good first impression.There is no magic formula for rapport.Both the interviewer and the interviewee can contribute to rapport.Orientation (overall view of the interview)establishes the purpose of the interview.You want to verify the interviewee's name;note your (the interviewer)name and why the interview is being conducted;state the purpose or desired outcome of the interview (never assume it);and note the approximate length of the interview.Motivation encourages the interviewee to give straightforward,complete answers,but the type of motivation depends on the person and the circumstances.​


Which of the following is not a helpful tip for apologizing in a negative-news message?

A) Be sincere and explain what you will do to prevent recurrence.
B) Accept responsibility.
C) Focus on your regret.
D) Use good judgment, and do not admit blame without consulting your supervisor.

On May 28, 2024



The primary financial statements of a corporation are the income statement, the statement of stockholders' equity, and the balance sheet.

On May 01, 2024



A decrease in the price of eggs will result in a(n) :

A) increase in the demand for eggs.
B) increase in the supply of eggs.
C) shift in the supply curve for eggs.
D) movement along the demand curve for eggs.

On Apr 28, 2024