


Which of the following is a duty vested in a trustee by the court,when the debtor is a business and files a Chapter 7 petition?

A) He may be authorized to operate the business for a limited period of time.
B) He may be authorized to make payments made by the debtor within 90 days before the filing of the petition.
C) He may be authorized to sell the debtor's properties and hand over the proceeds of the sales to the debtor.
D) He may be authorized to pay off the debts according to the personal priority list.

On Jul 27, 2024



An economist has estimated that the maintenance of a public park costs $25,000 a year and that the public park generates $30,000 a year in revenue for merchants near the park. From society's point of view, the maintenance of this park is

A) inefficient because everyone in the community pays taxes to support the park, but only the merchants near the park benefit.
B) inefficient because the additional revenues generated by the park are so low.
C) potentially efficient because the value of the gains exceed the value of the costs.
D) potentially efficient because no one would be made worse off as a result of maintaining the park.

On Jul 24, 2024



Thomson is a manager at a bank.He has to decide whether to lend an amount of $10,000 to Safe Toy.He should:

A) approve the loan application without checking the company's credibility.
B) review the company's financial statements.
C) prepare an organizational budget.
D) report the organization's financial performance to outsiders.
E) turn down the loan application.

On Jun 27, 2024



You began your new job as the accountant at Bolivar Industries during the month of December. During your first month, you found several interesting issues.?
1) While looking through the invoices, you found Invoices 213-242, 245-271, and 275-290. It appears that invoices243, 244, 272, 273, and 274 are missing.?
2) During the month, Clerk # 3 issued $250 in refunds as compared to Clerks #1, #2, and #4 who issued less than$50 each.?
3) The daily cash receipts and bank deposits reconcile, except on Tuesdays during the month.?
4) Business is generally brisk during the holiday season, but two weeks before Christmas there was a suddenincrease in slow payments.

(a) What kind of warning signs could be associated with these issues?
(b) What control could you put in place regarding cash refunds mentioned in (a)(2)?

On Jun 24, 2024

(a)1) Missing invoices or gaps in transaction numbers could mean that the invoicesare being used for fraudulent transactions.?
2) An unusually high number of refunds for Clerk #3 could mean that theindividual is creating fictitious refunds and pocketing the cash.?
3) The difference could mean that receipts are being pocketed before beingdeposited. Maybe there is a person responsible for making the deposits onTuesdays that is the culprit.?
4) A sudden increase in slow payments could mean that an employee ispocketing the payments.?

(b)Surveillance cameras at customer service area.Place supervisor as a second authorizer on refund transactions.Prohibit cash refunds and require exchanges of merchandise instead.Provide employee training.Incorporate special alerts for critical dollar thresholds through company software.Require information about the original transaction to be part of the refund process.


An industry with a concentration ratio of 100 would have ___________ firms.

On May 28, 2024

1 to 4 (at least 1)


OD interventions are training tools that teach members of an organization how to solve the problems they face.

On May 25, 2024
