


When Ken began helping his Aunt Rita with her finances, he discovered his aunt was still renting a rotary-dial telephone from the phone company. Aunt Rita had paid thousands of dollars in rental fees over the past 40 years. Aunt Rita is a(n) ________ in the diffusion of innovation process for telephones.

A) innovator
B) laggard
C) late majority
D) early majority
E) early adopter

On Jul 05, 2024



Which section of a report explains why the subject matter is important?

A) The introduction
B) The body
C) The conclusions and recommendations
D) The close
E) The work plan

On Jul 05, 2024



Gross investment refers to

A) private investment plus public investment.
B) net investment plus replacement investment.
C) net investment after it has been "inflated" for changes in the price level.
D) net investment plus net exports.

On Jun 07, 2024



The three major manufacturing inventories do NOT include which of the following?

A) Supplies
B) Work-in-process
C) Raw materials
D) Finished goods

On Jun 05, 2024



You are considering a temporary opening of a kiosk in the local mall. Any sale you make will be a one-time sale. There is only a 45 percent chance that you will collect your money on a credit sale. The product you want to sell has a variable cost of $4.10 and a sales price of $5.75. The monthly interest rate is 1.3 percent. Should you offer people 30 days to pay? Why or why not?

A) Yes; because you will earn $2.23 on every credit sale you make.
B) Yes; because you will earn $5.68 on every credit sale you make.
C) No; because the net present value of the potential sale is -$1.55.
D) No; because the net present value of the potential sale is -$.98.
E) It doesn't matter; because the present value of the potential sale is $0.

On May 08, 2024



​Vertical contracts between manufacturers and retailers often aim to

A) ​Incentivize the retailers to undertake costly activities,which they otherwise may not realize the full benefits of on their own
B) Serve as a "signal" of the manufacturer's belief of the likely success of his product
C) Reimburse the retailer for the cost of managing an extended inventory
D) ​All of the above

On May 06, 2024