


According to a recent study described in the textbook, which of the following is accurate about people who describe themselves as "a good judge of personality"?

A) Such people are much better than others at judging personality.
B) Such people are no more accurate than others at judging personality.
C) Such people are quite high in narcissism.
D) Such people are quite high in self-esteem.

On Jul 19, 2024



In general, people do not like to suffer, work hard, or make sacrifices. If and when they do these things, they want to feel that their efforts were worthwhile. Thus, even when people's efforts do not actually seem to have paid off, people will nonetheless try to convince themselves that they suffered for a good reason. This tendency is known as ____. ​

A) effort justification
B) attitude polarization ​
C) a self-fulfilling prophecy ​
D) the false consensus effect ​

On Jul 18, 2024



Which is NOT true?

A) People who believe that hard work pays off would likely score high on a measure for reward for application.
B) People who believe that hard work pays off would likely score low on a measure for reward for application.
C) Reward for application is low in countries such as Canada and the United States.
D) Reward for application reflects a belief that if one gets the information one needs and then plans carefully, positive results will follow.

On Jun 19, 2024



A child,who is by himself,starts to get into his father's toolbox,even though his father has told him not to.As he starts to reach into the toolbox,he begins to feel guilty and decides to leave the tools alone.This child has developed

A) situational compliance.
B) negativism.
C) social referencing.
D) conscience.

On Jun 18, 2024



The availability of in-home sexually explicit films and downloadable film clips means that ________.

A) women and couples are becoming the fastest-growing group of consumers of the adult entertainment industry
B) heterosexual men are the only consumers of sexually explicit films
C) the depiction of sexual activities catering to heterosexual couples is restricted to online and print material
D) femme porn that caters to women is no longer produced

On May 20, 2024



How do possible selves shift throughout adulthood?

On May 19, 2024

Many young adults in their 20s describe the aspirations of their possible selves as idealistic and grand-visions of fame, wealth, exceptional health, and athletic prowess. By middle adulthood, most people realize that their time and life opportunities are limited and they become motivated to balance images of their possible selves with their experiences in order to find meaning and happiness in their lives. Thus, middle adulthood is an important time of self-growth. Over their lifetimes, adults revise their possible selves to be more practical and realistic, typically aspiring to competently perform the roles of worker, spouse, and parent, and to be wealthy enough to live comfortably and meet the needs of children and aging parents.