


Which of the following concepts refers to the idea that our self-concept depends largely on how we see ourselves judged by others?

A) the I
B) the superego
C) the significant other
D) the looking-glass self

On Jul 26, 2024



What percentage of police-reported violent crime in Canada involves spousal violence?

A) 6%
B) 26%
C) 46%
D) 66%

On Jul 18, 2024



According to Freud, how do people acquire religious beliefs?

A) Religion is genetically encoded; we are "…wired for God."
B) Religion is something that must be forced on people.
C) Religion is very much a learned phenomenon.
D) Religion is something we adapt to without much reflection.

On Jul 16, 2024



Today sociologists accept the view that people who engage in nonroutine collective action lose their capacity for reason.For example,lynch mobs and riots are seen as wild and uncoordinated affairs,more like stampedes of frightened cattle than a structured social process.

On Jul 13, 2024



According to the research of Carol Gilligan,the moral development of boys and girls does not reflect biological or cognitive differences tied to sex.Rather:

A) the differences are the result of geographic factors
B) the varying influences of fathers in their homes determine moral development
C) the differences are the result of different cultural standards passed on to boys and girls
D) the individual determines moral choices for him or herself
E) the organization of the community shapes moral development

On Jul 13, 2024



Most people "always" check the source or the date of the health information they find online.

On Jun 17, 2024




A) are not needed after each death notification if they seemed to go well.
B) should always be conducted after a death notification.
C) can be done at a monthly team meeting to assess multiple death notifications.
D) All of the above.

On Jun 16, 2024



Public opinion refers to:

A) newspaper editorials
B) values and attitudes of the adult population as a whole
C) town hall meetings
D) ideas and criticisms of government policy at the grass-roots level
E) notes from the underground

On Jun 15, 2024



Surveys are usually inexpensive,easy to administer,and have a fast turnaround rate.

On Jun 13, 2024



Define collective behavior and social movement and explain the relationship between the two.

On May 17, 2024

Collective behavior refers to the spontaneous and unstructured behavior of a group of people in response to a particular event or situation. This behavior is often unpredictable and can involve a wide range of actions, such as riots, protests, or mass hysteria. Social movements, on the other hand, are organized and sustained efforts by a group of people to bring about social or political change. These movements often have specific goals and strategies for achieving them.

The relationship between collective behavior and social movements lies in the fact that collective behavior can often be the catalyst for the formation of a social movement. For example, a spontaneous protest or demonstration may lead to the organization of a more structured and sustained effort to address the issues that sparked the initial collective behavior. In this way, collective behavior can serve as a starting point for the mobilization of a social movement.

Additionally, social movements may also involve collective behavior as a tactic for drawing attention to their cause or putting pressure on those in power. For example, a social movement may organize a mass demonstration or boycott as a way to demonstrate the strength of their support and demand for change.

Overall, while collective behavior and social movements are distinct phenomena, they are closely related in that collective behavior can often be the impetus for the formation of a social movement, and social movements may utilize collective behavior as a tactic in their efforts to bring about change.