


Some families do not seek help or support from the larger community. Which of the following is not one of the reasons?

A) They prefer to see themselves as self-sufficient
B) They have no idea what is available
C) Their kinship networks will not allow it
D) They think that needing help is a sign of weakness

On Sep 28, 2024



Which pair of sentences shows the most effective transition from the first sentence to the second?

A) Demand for kettle chips is down by 15 percent. As a result, we have laid off 12 production workers.
B) The vendor assured us that the replacement parts would be delivered in time for the product release. The parts were delivered nearly two weeks after the product release.
C) The furniture-replacement project was originally expected to cost us $450,000. Unfortunately, the final cost was $300,000.
D) Brazilian people love soccer. My friend Silvino has played soccer all his life.

On Sep 26, 2024



Describe at least 3 situations that make you feel unmotivated.Based on your chapter reading, discuss 5 motivation strategies you feel will best complement your learning style and personality type when encountering these situations.

On Sep 23, 2024

Three situations that make me feel unmotivated are:

1. Feeling overwhelmed with a large workload or a difficult task
2. Receiving negative feedback or criticism
3. Feeling disconnected or uninterested in the subject matter

Based on my chapter reading, I believe the following 5 motivation strategies will best complement my learning style and personality type when encountering these situations:

1. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps: When feeling overwhelmed with a large workload or a difficult task, breaking it down into smaller, achievable steps will help me feel more in control and motivated to tackle each step.

2. Focus on growth and improvement: When receiving negative feedback or criticism, I will focus on using it as an opportunity for growth and improvement rather than letting it demotivate me. I will remind myself that mistakes and feedback are part of the learning process.

3. Find personal relevance and connections: When feeling disconnected or uninterested in the subject matter, I will seek out personal relevance and connections to the material. This could involve finding real-world applications or connecting it to my own interests and goals.

4. Set specific, achievable goals: Setting specific, achievable goals will help me stay motivated and focused. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones, I can track my progress and stay motivated.

5. Seek support and feedback: I will seek support and feedback from peers, mentors, or instructors to stay motivated. Having a support system and receiving positive reinforcement can help me stay motivated and engaged in my learning.

By implementing these motivation strategies, I believe I can better navigate and overcome situations that make me feel unmotivated, ultimately leading to a more positive and productive learning experience.