


Which of the following best defines a niche market?

A) Centers on some common hobby,interest,or characteristic that draws members to the site.
B) Illustrates that most nodes in a social graph are not directly linked to one another.Instead they are indirectly connected via neighbors.
C) Offers a relatively small number of items to buyers who tend to be loyal to these outlets.
D) Enables anyone to participate without registration or identification.
E) Sets forth expectations for user behavior as well as for that of the host or governing body.

On Jun 16, 2024



Why and how did the NIH depart from its norm of distributing news in written press releases during the treatment of Ebola patient Nina Pham at NIH Clinical Center?

On Jun 15, 2024

To ensure that all media present had access to the same information simultaneously,NIH communicators set up in-person press conferences to provide updates for national,local,and cable news channels.They also personalized what was an intensely sensitive situation by allowing the scientists and medical staff who were caring for Ms.Pham to serve as spokespeople.


Concentration ratios measure the

A) geographic location of the largest corporations in each industry.
B) degree to which product price exceeds marginal cost in various industries.
C) percentage of total industry sales accounted for by the largest firms in the industry.
D) number of firms in an industry.

On May 17, 2024



Concerning current accounting for oil and gas properties, which statement is true?

A) The successful-efforts method must be used.
B) The reserve-recognition method must be used.
C) Either the successful-efforts method or the full-cost method may be used.
D) The full-cost method must be used.

On May 16, 2024