


Motivation is a person's natural talent and learned competencies for performing goal-related tasks.

On Jun 01, 2024



A low concentration ratio means that

A) there is a low probability of entering the industry.
B) there is a low probability of success in the industry.
C) each firm accounts for a small market share of the industry.
D) each firm accounts for a large market share of the industry.

On Jun 01, 2024



In the table below are selected values for the OC curve associated with the acceptance sampling plan n = 50, c = 1. (Watch out-the points are not evenly spaced.) Assume that upon failed inspection, defective items are replaced. Calculate the AOQ for each data point. (You may assume that the population is much larger than the sample.) Plot the AOQ curve. At approximately what population defective rate is the AOQ at its worst? Explain how this happens. How well does this plan meet the specifications of AQL = 0.0050, α = 0.05; LTPD = 0.05, β = 0.10? Discuss.
 Population percent  defective  Probability of  acceptance 0.0050.973870.010.910560.020.735770.030.555280.040.400480.050.279430.060.190000.080.08271\begin{array} { | c | c | } \hline \begin{array} { c } \text { Population percent } \\\text { defective }\end{array} & \begin{array} { c } \text { Probability of } \\\text { acceptance }\end{array} \\\hline 0.005 & 0.97387 \\\hline 0.01 & 0.91056 \\\hline 0.02 & 0.73577 \\\hline 0.03 & 0.55528 \\\hline 0.04 & 0.40048 \\\hline 0.05 & 0.27943 \\\hline 0.06 & 0.19000 \\\hline 0.08 & 0.08271 \\\hline\end{array} Population percent  defective 0.0050. Probability of  acceptance 0.973870.910560.735770.555280.400480.279430.190000.08271

On May 02, 2024

This plan does not meet the specification very well. At .005 defective, the probability of acceptance is not 95% but over 97. At 0.05 defective, the acceptance rate is not 5% but 28.  This plan does not meet the specification very well. At .005 defective, the probability of acceptance is not 95% but over 97. At 0.05 defective, the acceptance rate is not 5% but 28.    \begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | }  \hline \begin{array} { c }  \text { Population } \\ \text { percent } \\ \text { defective } \end{array} & \begin{array} { c }  \text { Probability of } \\ \text { acceptance } \end{array} & \text { AOQ } & \\ \hline 0.005 & 0.97387 & 0.004869 & \text { at AQL } \\ \hline 0.01 & 0.91056 & 0.009106 & \\ \hline 0.02 & 0.73577 & 0.014715 & \\ \hline 0.03 & 0.55528 & 0.016658 & \text { maximum } \\ \hline 0.04 & 0.40048 & 0.016019 & \\ \hline 0.05 & 0.27943 & 0.013972 & \text { at LTPD } \\ \hline 0.06 & 0.19000 & 0.0114 & \\ \hline 0.08 & 0.08271 & 0.006617 & \\ \hline \end{array}  Population  percent  defective  Probability of  acceptance  AOQ 0.0050.973870.004869 at AQL 0.010.910560.0091060.020.735770.0147150.030.555280.016658 maximum 0.040.400480.0160190.050.279430.013972 at LTPD 0.060.190000.01140.080.082710.006617\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } \hline \begin{array} { c } \text { Population } \\\text { percent } \\\text { defective }\end{array} & \begin{array} { c } \text { Probability of } \\\text { acceptance }\end{array} & \text { AOQ } & \\\hline 0.005 & 0.97387 & 0.004869 & \text { at AQL } \\\hline 0.01 & 0.91056 & 0.009106 & \\\hline 0.02 & 0.73577 & 0.014715 & \\\hline 0.03 & 0.55528 & 0.016658 & \text { maximum } \\\hline 0.04 & 0.40048 & 0.016019 & \\\hline 0.05 & 0.27943 & 0.013972 & \text { at LTPD } \\\hline 0.06 & 0.19000 & 0.0114 & \\\hline 0.08 & 0.08271 & 0.006617 & \\\hline\end{array} Population  percent  defective 0.0050. Probability of  acceptance 0.973870.910560.735770.555280.400480.279430.190000.08271 AOQ 0.0048690.0091060.0147150.0166580.0160190.0139720.01140.006617 at AQL  maximum  at LTPD 


Identify an organization you are familiar with (such as from your work experience or from your textbook).Discuss one measure that the organization uses to measure the efficiency of their HR practices.Provide a concrete example.Ensure you define efficiency.

On May 01, 2024

Efficiency is expressed in terms of the results achieved (outputs) in comparison to the resource inputs. Measures of efficiency include the following:
∙ Time (e.g., average time to fill an opening, process a benefits claim)
∙ Volume (e.g., number of people interviewed to fill a job, number of requests processed per employee)
∙ Cost (e.g., cost per training hour or per test).
∙ ratio of compensation expense to total operating expense
∙ benefit cost per employee covered
∙ ratio of benefits expense to total operating expense
∙ processing costs per benefit claim
∙ administration costs per benefit claim
∙ cost per training day
∙ cost per trainee per program
∙ number of training days
∙ number of interviews per selection
∙ ratio of filled positions to authorized positions
∙ percentage of employees with formal performance evaluations
∙ percentage of designated employees
Response Time:
∙ time between requisition and filling of position
∙ time to process benefits
∙ time from identifying a training need to program implementation
∙ time to respond to requests by category


Identify sources of variability.

On Apr 30, 2024

1. Incomplete or inaccurate drawings or specifications
2. Late or non-conforming units
3. Unknown customer demands


Conducting an issue analysis at the beginning of a PR campaign helps to accomplish which of the following?

A) evaluate the client's goals
B) anticipate future problems
C) narrow the target market
D) assess secondary research

On Apr 29, 2024