


A marketing manager should develop segments for a market that meet five principal criteria. List these important factors in forming market segments.

On Jul 30, 2024

The five criteria are: (1) simplicity and cost-effectiveness of assigning potential buyers to segments, (2) potential for increased profit and ROI, (3) similarity of needs of potential buyers within a segment, (4) difference of needs of buyers among segments, and (5) potential of a marketing action to reach a segment.


Long-term investments in held-to-maturity debt securities are accounted for using the ________.

On Jul 01, 2024

cost method with amortization


If the selling price increases by $3 per unit and the sales volume decreases by 600 units, the net operating income would be closest to:

A) $24,800
B) $35,000
C) $19,200
D) $32,000

On Jun 30, 2024



Lori, the manager of a home-health aide agency, engages in direction setting when she informs the group that ________.

A) absenteeism and tardiness will not be tolerated
B) the agency will now focus on helping disabled people
C) new devices for measuring blood pressure will soon be installed
D) home health aides should stop eating food with trans fats

On Jun 01, 2024



The conventional fiscal policy to fight a recession is to ________,while the conventional monetary policy is to ________.

On May 31, 2024

run budget deficits;raise the rate of monetary growth


Define the two "pure" types of exchange-rate systems.

On May 02, 2024

The flexible exchange rate (or floating exchange rate)is a rate of exchange that is determined by the international demand for and supply of a nation's money and that is consequently free to rise or fall because it is not subject to currency interventions. The fixed exchange rate is a rate of exchange that is set in some way and therefore prevented from rising or falling with changes in currency supply and demand.


Appraise the following situation in terms of the concept of work attitudes, and identify the probable source of the turnover problem:

Geoffrey manages a department that includes about a dozen computer programmers. Over the past year, he has noticed that turnover among his programmers has increased by 75%. This has proven puzzling to him, since the performance of the department and all of its programmers has consistently been very high. During informal discussions with some of the remaining programmers, Geoffrey has determined that the programmers who have been leaving have not complained about pay, relationships with coworkers or supervisors, or working conditions. They have, however, been concerned with the company's failure to adopt the latest technological advances in hardware and software that would allow them to maintain their programming skills at the cutting edge. Most of the workers who have left have gone to work for companies that are using the latest technology.

On May 01, 2024

There are two general work attitudes that are relevant to this scenario: job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction refers to the general attitude toward work or toward a job. It reflects the extent to which people find fulfillment in their work. In this scenario, it appears that the programmers are generally satisfied with most aspects of their jobs, since there have been few complaints and performance has been high for all workers. The problem seems to lie in the area of organizational commitment: the strength of an employee's involvement in and identification with the organization. It seems that for an increasing number of programmers, the inability to keep up with changes in technology is reducing their willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization, and causing them to leave the organization for others that will allow them to maintain their programming skills. Thus, the turnover among programmers seems to be related to the company's use of outdated technology.


All of the following are identified as caveats with diaphragmatic breathing EXCEPT:

A) some medical or physical conditions may warrant medical consultation prior to implementation.
B) breathing interventions alone may be insufficient to address high anxiety or panic disorder.
C) deep breathing is always preferred to shallow breathing due stabilize the parasympathetic system.
D) individuals may identify unpleasant body sensations that were not previously present.

On Apr 30, 2024



Tien is a middle-level manager.An employee is complaining about a company policy.Tien is being patient,acknowledging what the employee is saying without being judgmental.Tien is using ____________________.

On Apr 29, 2024

empathic listening