


Nicholas ordered 500 Christmas trees from North Pole Tree Farm to be delivered on November 14. When the trees arrive, the North Pole must accept tender of payment by any means or in any manner current, such as a check, in the ordinary course of business unless North Pole demands cash and allows Nicholas a reasonable time within which to obtain it.

On Jul 03, 2024



GlobalCo formed a task force consisting of eight employees from four culturally diverse countries who have not previously met.The task force must work closely together for a month to solve a troublesome customer problem.These employees have similar technical training, but they have different religious beliefs, different languages, and different standards of living.If these employees experience conflict, this conflict might be caused by:

A) task interdependence.
B) differentiation.
C) communication problems.
D) all of the above.
E) only 'B' and 'C'.

On Jul 03, 2024



When the Carnival Corporation was rocked by the Costa Concordia sinking and problems with its ability to care for sick passengers on another ship,in what way did the company respond?

A) offered half-price fares for one year
B) sold its cruise ships to a competitor and focused on travel tours
C) developed and implemented a strategic PR plan with reputational objectives
D) brought in a new CEO

On Jun 30, 2024



In changing times, __________ is/are responsible for building and maintaining __________ career readiness.

A) an individual; their own
B) managers; employees'
C) supervisors; subordinates'
D) None of the options listed
E) All of the options listed

On Jun 03, 2024



Which of the following occurs when a plaintiff establishes a prima facie case in an action alleging disparate-treatment discrimination in employment in the form of an illegal discharge?

A) The plaintiff wins.
B) The burden shifts to the defendant to articulate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the discharge.
C) The burden shifts to the defendant to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that discrimination did not occur.
D) The burden remains with the plaintiff to prove discrimination beyond a reasonable doubt, a special standard in disparate-treatment cases.
E) The burden remains with the plaintiff to establish damages to a reasonable certainty.

On May 31, 2024



The accounting procedures are the same for sole proprietorships as for partnerships with the exception of:

A) the asset section includes more than one cash account.
B) the liability section.
C) the revenue section.
D) the capital section has separate capital sections for each partner.

On May 04, 2024



The relevant range is that range of activity where:

A) management may not find it important to concern itself.
B) management does not expect the firm to operate.
C) fixed costs remain unchanged.
D) the expected costs exceed the benefits from the activity.

On May 01, 2024



All of the following are liabilities EXCEPT

A) accumulated profits not paid in dividends.
B) accounts payable.
C) bank loans.
D) wages payable.

On Apr 27, 2024