


Which of the following hypotheses regarding Neandertals was generated following the discovery of the fossils Homo sapiens idaltu?​

A) ​Neandertals represent a dead-end side branch of human evolution.
B) ​Neandertals interbred with Homo sapiens and are in direct line to modern-day humans.
C) ​Neandertals are a side shoot from humane evolution since the time of the australopithecines.
D) ​Neandertals are not human.

On Jul 22, 2024



Chronometric dating is another name for absolute dating.

On Jul 16, 2024



A process of cultural change in which a population tends toward a nonreligious worldview is __________.​

On Jun 30, 2024



How do Arab and Muslim Americans typically enter mental health service agencies? With what problems do they typically present?

On Jun 15, 2024

Arab and Muslim Americans enter mental health service agencies through various pathways, similar to other ethnic and religious groups in the United States. These pathways can include self-referral, referral by primary care physicians, community organizations, religious leaders, family members, or through school counselors. However, there are unique cultural and religious factors that may influence their help-seeking behaviors and the types of problems they present with.

Cultural Stigma and Barriers:
There is often a significant stigma associated with mental health issues in many Arab and Muslim communities, which can lead to reluctance in seeking help from mental health professionals. Instead, individuals may first turn to family, friends, or religious leaders for support. When the distress becomes more severe or the informal support is not sufficient, they may then seek professional help.

Presentation of Problems:
When Arab and Muslim Americans present to mental health service agencies, they may come with a range of problems, including:

1. Anxiety and Depression: These are common mental health issues across all populations, including Arab and Muslim Americans. They may be related to the stress of acculturation, experiences of discrimination, or general life stressors.

2. Trauma and PTSD: Some Arab and Muslim Americans may be refugees or have experienced war, violence, or political instability in their countries of origin, leading to trauma-related disorders.

3. Family and Marital Issues: Conflicts arising from intergenerational cultural differences, especially among families with first-generation immigrants and their American-born children, as well as marital issues, are common.

4. Identity Issues: Navigating dual identities and dealing with issues of assimilation and acculturation can be challenging, particularly for younger individuals and second-generation immigrants.

5. Discrimination and Prejudice: Experiences of Islamophobia, xenophobia, and discrimination can lead to psychological distress and may exacerbate existing mental health conditions.

6. Substance Abuse: While substance abuse rates are generally lower in Muslim populations due to religious prohibitions against intoxicants, it still occurs and may be underreported due to shame and stigma.

Access to Services:
Access to culturally competent care is crucial for Arab and Muslim Americans. Mental health professionals who understand the cultural and religious context of their clients are better equipped to provide effective treatment. This includes being aware of cultural expressions of distress, religious beliefs that may impact treatment (such as fasting during Ramadan), and the importance of family and community.

In summary, Arab and Muslim Americans typically enter mental health service agencies through a variety of referral sources, and they present with a wide range of mental health issues. Cultural competence and sensitivity to the unique experiences of this population are essential for providing effective mental health care.


The allele for sickle-cell anemia is believed to have originated in areas where there are large populations of mosquitoes bearing:​

A) ​falciparum malaria
B) ​parasitic dysentery
C) ​smallpox
D) ​yellow fever

On Jun 12, 2024



Measles were believed to be first transferred to humans from:​

A) ​pigs
B) ​sheep
C) ​cattle
D) ​ducks

On May 16, 2024



Although ethnic resurgence is in part a response to the negatives of globalization, a lot of very intricate issues are embedded within this resurgence process. Discuss potential advantages and disadvantages of this process.

On May 13, 2024

Ethnic resurgence, as a response to the negatives of globalization, can have both potential advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of ethnic resurgence include the preservation and revitalization of cultural traditions, languages, and customs that may have been marginalized or lost due to globalization. This can lead to a greater sense of identity and pride within ethnic communities, as well as a stronger sense of belonging and solidarity. Additionally, ethnic resurgence can also lead to the empowerment of marginalized groups and the promotion of diversity and inclusivity within society.

However, there are also potential disadvantages to ethnic resurgence. It can sometimes lead to increased tensions and conflicts between different ethnic groups, as well as the perpetuation of stereotypes and prejudices. This can hinder social cohesion and lead to discrimination and inequality. Furthermore, ethnic resurgence may also lead to the exclusion of individuals who do not fit within the traditional boundaries of a particular ethnic group, leading to further marginalization and division within society.

Overall, while ethnic resurgence can have positive effects in terms of cultural preservation and empowerment, it is important to address the potential disadvantages and work towards promoting inclusivity and understanding between different ethnic groups. This can help to ensure that ethnic resurgence contributes to a more diverse and harmonious society.


Taxonomy is an ancient form of classification created by Linnaeus that is no longer used today.​

On May 11, 2024



Social media is an example of __________ power.​

On May 09, 2024

soft (structural)​


All populations of the genus Homo have adapted primarily through culture over the past _______________ million years.​

On May 08, 2024
