


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders affect between 15% and 20% of school-age children in the United States.

On Jul 20, 2024



In a crowded mall parking lot, dozens of people hear a female voice yell, "He's killing me!" Yet no one calls the police. What is the reason for the lack of action, according to Darley and Latané?

A) People are too busy to respond.
B) Most people "do not want to become involved."
C) The fight-or-flight response is not activated when others are in danger.
D) Diffusion of responsibility is the reason most people do not respond.

On Jul 19, 2024



Do emotions vary across cultures? Support your answer with the results of a research study.

On Jun 20, 2024

Do people in different cultures have different emotional lives? For many years experts assumed that the answer was "yes." They thought that cultural differences would lead to huge differences in inner lives so that you could not begin to understand how someone from another culture might feel. This view has lost ground, however, and some experts now agree that most emotions may be quite similar across cultural boundaries.
Paul Ekman and his colleagues have identified six basic emotions that can be reliably inferred from facial expressions: anger, surprise, disgust, happiness (or joy), fear, and sadness. Their research group showed photographs to people all over the world, and regardless of cultural differences, people interpreted the same facial expression as indicating the same inner emotion. A meta-analysis showed that people living in 37 countries on five continents inferred the same basic emotions from photos of facial expressions. These findings suggest that, based on facial cues, people have similar emotions everywhere and can recognize and understand one another despite their very different cultural backgrounds.


A child is motivated to achieve when his or her personal self-esteem is

A) high.
B) low.
C) medium.
D) absent.

On Jun 19, 2024



Which of the following is a good example of the use of exposure and response prevention therapy?

A) A person afraid of germs is allowed to clean his or her hands as often as desired.
B) A person afraid of flying is taught to first imagine buying an airline ticket.
C) A person afraid of having a disorganized room is taught to reappraise her or his current room in a more positive way.
D) A person afraid of contamination is asked to hold a dirty handkerchief for more than an hour.

On May 21, 2024



Asch's (1952) studies on conformity are an example of which level of analysis?

A) physiological
B) individual
C) social
D) philosophical

On May 20, 2024