


Which of the following statements about the Birmingham Movement is LEAST accurate?

A) It succeeded despite the local police force's refusal to be baited into using violence to disperse the protestors.
B) It initially began as a local effort to desegregate public facilities through the courts.
C) It focused on attacking the city's white economic power structure through boycotts and mass demonstrations.
D) It brought children into the civil rights movement as active protestors.

On Sep 30, 2024



What was Napoleon's attitude toward the institution of nobility?

A) As a former Jacobin,he hated the nobility and made sure that all nobles were exiled.
B) He used some noblemen of the old regime,such as Talleyrand,but in general he did not care for the institution.
C) He restored titles abolished by the revolution and created a hierarchy of new nobility based on service to the state.
D) He allowed old nobles to use their titles informally.
E) Being himself a member of the nontitled nobility of the old regime,Napoleon protected and promoted old nobles.

On Sep 27, 2024



The intervention of the United States Supreme Court in the 2000 presidential election was

A) surprising.
B) expected.
C) unconstitutional.
D) unavoidable.

On Sep 23, 2024