


Is market-creating innovation riskier for companies than performance-improving innovation and efficiency-enhancing innovation? Give reasons to support your answer.

On Jul 18, 2024

Answers will vary. While global companies often claim to invest in all three types of innovation, in fact most investment focuses on performance-improving or efficiency-improving innovation. This might seem odd, since most real economic growth comes from market-creating innovations. One possible explanation comes from the work of early economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo. According to their economic models, companies generate profits because they differentiate the performance of their product-and/or the efficiency of their product-in a way that generates higher profits than competitors earn. As a result, companies focus so much on performance- and efficiency-based innovation because traditional business models are effective at determining the value of these investments and interpreting those values for investors.
By contrast, market-creating innovations are much more difficult to evaluate because their potential for generating profits is ultimately uncertain. By definition, this kind of innovation results in products and services that cannot be tested in the market before release and for which demand is not obvious. For example, after incurring considerable costs and investing heavily in R&D, IBM developed the first smartphone in 1992. However, the company was so concerned that consumers wouldn't like the phone that it took two years to introduce it to the market. The phone was not successful. Many argued that there were too many problems with the phone and that its sheer size turned people away.
The section "Risks of Market-Creating Innovation" on page 215 discusses how companies deal with various types of innovations. Students can use this section to make their own interpretation and answer this question.


Drawing on Gagné's classification scheme, Kurt Kraiger and colleagues developed a multidimensional classification scheme of learning outcomes. What outcomes would Kraiger and colleagues include under their "affective outcomes" scheme?

A) knowledge organization and declarative knowledge outcomes
B) attitudinal and motivational outcomes
C) technical or motor skills and compilation outcomes
D) cognitive and declarative outcomes

On Jul 17, 2024



Describe the differences between role ambiguity, role overload, role underload, and role conflict.

On Jun 18, 2024

Role ambiguity occurs when someone is uncertain about what is expected of him or her. Role overload occurs when too much is expected and the individual feels overwhelmed with work. In contrast, role underload occurs when too little is expected and the individual feels underutilized. Finally, role conflict occurs when someone is unable to meet the role expectations of others.


Which of the following arguments for trade protection contends that new domestic industries need support to establish themselves and survive?

A) the increased domestic employment argument
B) the cheap foreign labor argument
C) the diversification-for-stability argument
D) the infant industry argument

On Jun 17, 2024



The bank statement for Jeffrey Co. indicates a balance of $8,785 on October 31. After the journals for October had been posted, the cash account had a balance of $8,998.?
(a)Cash sales of $945 had been erroneously recorded in the cash receipts journal as $495.
(b)Deposits in transit not recorded by bank, $778.
(c)Bank debit memo for service charges, $40.
(d)Bank credit memo for note collected by bank, $23,985 plus $885 interest.
(e)Bank debit memo for $756 NSF
(not sufficient funds) check from Calin Sams, a customer.
(f)Checks outstanding, $1,860.

Record the appropriate journal entries that would be necessary for Jeffrey Co.

On May 19, 2024

?  Cash 25,320    Notes Receivable 23,985    Interest Revenue 885    Sales 450 Accounts Receivable, Calin Sams 756 Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 40    Cash 796\begin{array} { l r r } \text { Cash } & 25,320 & \\~~~\text { Notes Receivable } & & 23,985 \\~~~\text { Interest Revenue } & & 885 \\~~~\text { Sales } & & 450 \\& & \\\text { Accounts Receivable, Calin Sams } & 756& \\\text { Miscellaneous Administrative Expense } &40 & \\~~~\text { Cash } & &796\end{array} Cash     Notes Receivable     Interest Revenue     Sales  Accounts Receivable, Calin Sams  Miscellaneous Administrative Expense     Cash 25,3207564023,985885450796


Checks that have been processed by the bank and are no longer negotiable are:

A) outstanding checks.
B) canceled checks.
C) voided checks.
D) deposits in transit.

On May 18, 2024