


Which statement is true about a product market?

A) The cost of labor does not affect the product market because it is an insignificant part of an organization's costs.
B) Product-market considerations are of particular concern to a company when its customers place greater importance on product rather than price.
C) Organizations in a product market are competing to serve the same customers.
D) Product markets typically place a lower limit on the pay an organization will offer its employees.
E) Organizations in a product market must increase the cost of labor every quarter.

On Jul 19, 2024



Weiss states that a negotiator should only use one strategy throughout an entire negotiation.

On Jul 16, 2024



A negotiator's choice of words may only signal a position;it may never shape or predict it.

On Jun 18, 2024



Journalize the following merchandise transactions. The company uses the perpetual inventory system.(a)Sold merchandise on account, $17,300, with terms 2/10, net 30. The cost of the goods sold was $12,600.(b)Received payment within the discount period.

On Jun 16, 2024



Suppose the input costs associated with manufacturing hair replacement treatments decrease over time.This would lead to a(n) :

A) increase in the supply of such treatments,lower prices,and an increase in the equilibrium quantity.
B) decrease in quantity supplied and lower prices.
C) increase in demand and higher prices.
D) decrease in the supply of such treatments,higher prices,and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity.

On May 19, 2024



Customer service is often viewed as the primary interface between logistics and marketing. Discuss the nature of this interface and how it might be changing.

On May 17, 2024

Customer service is often the key link between logistics and marketing within an organization. If the logistics system, particularly outbound logistics, is not functioning properly and a customer does not receive a delivery as promised, the organization could lose both current and future revenue. Manufacturing can produce a quality product at the right cost and marketing can sell it, but if logistics does not deliver it when and where promised, the customer will not be satisfied. The traditional role of customer service is at the interface between marketing and logistics. This relationship manifests itself in this perspective through the "place" dimension of the marketing mix, which is often used synonymously with channel-of-distribution decisions and the associated customer service levels provided. In this context, logistics plays a static role that is based upon minimizing the total cost of the various logistics activities within a given set of service levels, most likely determined by marketing.However, logistics today is taking on a more dynamic role in influencing customer service levels as well as in impacting an organization's financial position. Again, appropriate examples here would include both Dell and Walmart that have both used logistics and customer service to reduce product prices, increase product availability, and reduce lead times to customers. These two organizations have gained an appreciation for the impact of dynamic logistics systems on their financial positions.