


"If a person is drinking a beer,then the person must be over 19 years old." Participants are asked to test this rule using information on four cards;each card has a person's beverage on one side and the person's age on the other.The four cards are now presented as follows: "beer," "coke," "16 years old," and "20 years old." Which of the following describes the behavior of most college students who complete this variation of the four-card task?

A) Most turn over only the "beer" card.
B) Most turn over the "beer" and "20 years old" cards.
C) Most turn over the "beer" and "16 years old" cards.
D) Most turn over the "beer" and "coke" cards.

On Jul 27, 2024



Describe how computer scoring is used to achieve the purpose of scoring written submissions. What are the risks and benefits of substituting machine scoring for human grading?

On Jul 22, 2024

Start with the proposition that writing assignments, which employ grammatically complex constructions, use expected words and expressions, include sentences with greater average word counts, and include fewer spelling mistakes are statistically significantly correlated with higher grades, while assignments that are missing one or more of those features are statistically correlated with lower grades. From this starting point design computer programs that assign grades by parsing grammar and counting words. With these kinds of computer programs, written assignments, like those on college admissions tests, can be graded by computer. Sophisticated computer grading programs can generate the same grades as well qualified humans 99.9 percent of the time, but the computer does its processing without comprehending the meaning of what is written and without applying the four tests of the quality of arguments presented. [See more of the answer in the box "Grading Written Submissions" near the end of the "Coincidences, Patterns, Correlations, and Causes" section.]


One negative factor to consider regarding breast-feeding is that

A) breast milk can transmit HIV and environmental hazards, such as PCBs, to the infant.
B) breast-feeding has been shown to increase mothers' responses to stress.
C) breast-feeding increases the risk of early breast cancer.
D) there are no negative factors associated with breast-feeding.

On Jul 21, 2024



Alzheimer's disease begins with ________ and progresses into ________.

A) speech deficits;damaged memory centers in the brain
B) damaged memory centers in the brain;speech deficits
C) difficulty remembering new information;an inability to complete daily tasks
D) an inability to complete daily tasks;difficulty remembering new information

On Jun 27, 2024



Billy is seeing a therapist because he often draws and daydreams in class, resulting in poor academic performance. Billy's therapist suggests that his teacher rewards Billy's success in the classroom in hopes that it would increase his academic performance and motivate Billy to spend less time drawing in class. What is Billy's therapists' perspective?

A) learning
B) psychodynamic
C) cognitive
D) biological

On Jun 21, 2024



Which option is the most valid criticism of Watson and Rayner's work with "little Albert"?

A) It would be unethical by today's research standards.
B) It did not use multiple pairings of an UCS with a NS.
C) They did not have the permission of Albert's mother to conduct the research.
D) The provided no compensation to Albert's mother for his participation in the study.

On Jun 19, 2024



In the current political climate, there has been an increase in ethnic prejudices. Because you study psychology, your friend approaches you with his ideas to combat it. Which of the following ideas would be ineffective?

A) encourage intergroup contact and cooperation
B) attack discriminatory behavior
C) examine your own beliefs
D) spend time with people who share your attitudes

On May 22, 2024



Rapidly moving one's eyes while recalling traumatic experiences is most descriptive of

A) systematic desensitization.
B) behavioral conditioning.
C) virtual reality exposure therapy.

On May 20, 2024



According to ethnic trends in adolescent sexual activity, which teenager is likely to have sex at the earliest age?

A) Maria, who is Latina
B) Chad, who is European American
C) Wen, who is Korean
D) Chantel, who is African American

On May 19, 2024