


A commercial general liability policy provides protection against intentional wrongful acts committed by an insured.

On Jul 09, 2024



Which of the following statements is most correct with respect to the assumptions of the cost volume profit model?

A) The assumptions of the model are realistic.
B) The assumptions of the model are unrealistic, and therefore the model has little usefulness.
C) It is not possible to state whether the assumptions of the model are realistic or unrealistic.
D) The assumptions of the model are unrealistic, but the model has great usefulness in certain circumstances, as evidenced by its use in practice.

On Jul 07, 2024



A company is about to select a vendor for the outsourcing of all of its waste management needs. It has identified four criteria critical to the selection. These criteria, and their importance weights, appear below. Three vendors and their scores are listed below. Which vendor has the highest composite score?
 Weight  Vendor 1  Vendor 2  Vendor 3  Criteria 1 0.37898 Criteria 2 0.23597 Criteria 3 0.24716 Criteria 4 0.16443\begin{array} { | l | r | r | r | r | } \hline & \text { Weight } & \text { Vendor 1 } & \text { Vendor 2 } & \text { Vendor 3 } \\\hline \text { Criteria 1 } & 0.37 & 8 & 9 & 8 \\\hline \text { Criteria 2 } & 0.23 & 5 & 9 & 7 \\\hline \text { Criteria 3 } & 0.24 & 7 & 1 & 6 \\\hline \text { Criteria 4 } & 0.16 & 4 & 4 & 3 \\\hline\end{array} Criteria 1  Criteria 2  Criteria 3  Criteria 4  Weight 0.370.230.240.16 Vendor 1 8574 Vendor 2 9914 Vendor 3 8763

On Jun 09, 2024

 Total 1 Vendor 1  Vendor 2  Vendor 3  Weighted sum 6.436.286.49 Weighted average 6.436.286.49\begin{array} { | r | r | r | r | r | } \hline \text { Total } & 1 & \text { Vendor 1 } & \text { Vendor 2 } & \text { Vendor 3 } \\\hline \text { Weighted sum } & & 6.43 & 6.28 & 6.49 \\\hline \text { Weighted average } & 6.43 & 6.28 & 6.49 \\\hline\end{array} Total  Weighted sum  Weighted average 16.43 Vendor 1 6.436.28 Vendor 2 6.286.49 Vendor 3 6.49 Vendor 3 has the highest composite score of 6.49


Managers who place the interest of the shareholders first, will tend to:

A) Be replaced on a routine basis.
B) Decline all offers to buy the firm.
C) Realize minimal value from the stock options they are granted.
D) Reward employees for unethical behavior if that behavior increases the firm's net income.
E) Be in greater demand and receive higher compensation.

On Jun 07, 2024



__________ is the combination of resources, knowledge, and techniques that creates a product or service output for an organization.

On May 09, 2024

Operations technology


Which of the following would not be considered a private good?

A) A pencil
B) A sweater
C) A jeep
D) Cable TV service

On May 08, 2024



Define and briefly discuss the ABC, EOQ, materials requirements planning (derived demand), and just-in-time inventory management systems. When is each appropriate?

On May 07, 2024

Very briefly, under ABC, you segregate inventory into three groups based on their percent of inventory value and percent of inventory items. The EOQ allows you to determine the optimal order amount by assuming inventory depletes at a constant rate, among other things. The EOQ model can be modified to incorporate safety stocks and reorder points. Under MRP, finished goods inventories are set, then you work backwards to determine the optimal levels of work in process and raw materials inventories. With JIT, the goal is to minimize inventory and maximize turnover, keeping just enough inventory on hand to meet production or sales needs. This type of inventory management requires stable and dependable suppliers.