


Examples of temporary accounts are Supplies and Prepaid Expenses, which are in the ledger for just a short time before they expire.

On Jul 23, 2024



Higher-quality leader-member relationships tend to produce positive work outcomes ________.

A) only in Eastern cultural contexts
B) regardless of cultural context
C) with benefits less pronounced in individualistic societies
D) with benefits most pronounced in collectivistic societies

On Jul 23, 2024



Research examining how managers behave has shown that they claim to prefer mediation as a third-party style but it is not clear that managers actually use mediation unless they are specifically trained in the process.

On Jun 26, 2024



Describe and give examples of observational and self-report methods for measuring group cohesion.

On Jun 23, 2024

Observational methods for measuring group cohesion involve directly observing the interactions and behaviors of group members. This can include noting the frequency and quality of communication, cooperation, and support among group members. For example, a researcher might observe a sports team during practice and note how often players communicate and work together during drills and scrimmages.

Self-report methods for measuring group cohesion involve asking group members to provide their own perceptions and experiences of cohesion within the group. This can be done through surveys, questionnaires, or interviews. For example, a researcher might ask members of a work team to rate their agreement with statements about trust and support within the group.

Both observational and self-report methods have their own strengths and limitations. Observational methods provide objective data about actual behaviors and interactions within the group, but they can be time-consuming and may not capture all relevant aspects of cohesion. Self-report methods provide insight into individuals' subjective experiences of cohesion, but they can be influenced by biases and may not always accurately reflect the group dynamics.

Overall, using a combination of observational and self-report methods can provide a more comprehensive understanding of group cohesion. By triangulating data from multiple sources, researchers can gain a more complete picture of the factors that contribute to cohesion within a group.


How is a determination made regarding selection of the permanent trustee in a Chapter 7 proceeding?

A) The bankruptcy judge appoints the trustee.
B) The bankruptcy executor appoints the trustee.
C) The court clerk appoints the trustee.
D) The debtor appoints the trustee.
E) The creditors elect the trustee.

On May 27, 2024



Which of the following statements regarding interns' expectations about their coworkers is FALSE?

A) Interns have a pre-existing image of their coworkers that may or may not be accurate.
B) Interns' three most common concerns are expectations, acceptance, and feelings of exclusion.
C) When engaged interns accept expectations as realities, it helps connect them to their coworkers.
D) Asking questions of coworkers can guide one's thinking about expectations.

On May 24, 2024