


Since 1946, the president of the United States has received guidance from a group comprised of three members and a staff of a few dozen economists known as the

On Jul 28, 2024

Council of Economic Advisers


Refer to Benicio. If Benicio wants to effectively negotiate with Casey, he should have a(n) ____ attitude.

A) open-minded
B) carefree
C) win-win
D) compromising
E) self-confident

On Jun 29, 2024



Computer programs that arise out of the field of artificial intelligence and help managers analyse and solve problems at a highly skilled or proficient level that mimics the thinking of human experts are called:

A) expert systems.
B) superior management software.
C) skilled programs.
D) artificial systems.
E) virtual reality systems.

On Jun 28, 2024



How are routine messages about order and credit handled? What is an acknowledgment message?

On May 30, 2024

Answers will vary. Routine messages, such as customer order acknowledgments, are written deductively. Normally, credit information is requested and transmitted electronically from the national credit reporting agencies to companies requesting credit references. However, when companies choose to request information directly from other businesses, individual credit requests and responses must be written.
When customers place orders for merchandise, they expect to get exactly what they ordered as quickly as possible. Most orders can be acknowledged by shipping the order; no message is necessary. For an initial order and for an order that cannot be filled quickly and precisely, companies typically send an acknowledgment message.
An acknowledgment message is a document that indicates an order has been received and is being processed.


If the interest rate is 0%:

A) future amounts have zero present value.
B) future amounts have an infinite present value.
C) the present value of amounts to be received in the future is equal to the sum of those amounts.
D) the future value of an investment is less than the sum of its cash flows.

On May 29, 2024