


Which of the following transactions would not create a temporary difference?

A) A sale recorded using the installment method for book purposes.
B) The cash collection from a life insurance policy on a company executive.
C) A cash collection for services to be provided during the next period.
D) The use of the percentage-of-completion method for book purposes.

On Jul 10, 2024



Identify a true statement about employee benefits.

A) In both the United States and Europe, the awarding of stock options is linked to specific performance goals.
B) Pension plans are more widespread in the United States and Japan than in Western Europe.
C) Unlike in the United States, compensation plans in other countries are less likely to include benefits.
D) Paid vacation tends to be more generous in Western Europe than in the United States.
E) Although stock options became a common form of incentive pay in Europe during the 1990s, American businesses did not begin to adopt them until the end of that decade.

On Jul 08, 2024



Dale and Wanda are experiencing work-family conflict when they ________.

A) have two or more of the same family members working
B) are forced to choose between taking care of the demands of personal life and their jobs
C) work for a family business in which family members should hold the power
D) work for an employer who does not provide enough health benefits

On Jun 10, 2024



A multidomestic strategy reflects a(n) ___ that that shows respect for both market diversity and the capabilities of locals to best interpret their strategic implications.

A) paleocentric view
B) ethnocentric view
C) polycentric view
D) geocentric view
E) concentric view

On Jun 08, 2024



Which of the following is an essential netiquette?

A) Before sending your email,assuming that it will appear on the front pages of the national newspaper.
B) Sending angry messages by email in order to restrict face-to-face conflicts.
C) Sending people messages containing all the information you think is necessary.
D) Emphasize the subject line by using all-capitals.

On May 11, 2024



Big Choppers orally contracts with Jane to make a custom motorcycle for Jane for $30,000.When completed,Jane refuses to accept the motorcycle or pay for it.Discuss the validity of the oral contract.

On May 09, 2024

A contract for the sale of goods where the sales price exceeds $500 must be written and signed to be legally enforceable.There is an exception for specially manufactured goods made for the buyer that are not suitable for sale to others in the ordinary course of business.The question is unclear as to what extent Big Choppers is able to sell this motorcycle to another customer.Thus,the oral contract may or may not be binding,depending on the ability of Big Choppers to sell it to another.