


Kaitlin, a human resource professional, is evaluating some of the company's managers to select one for an overseas assignment. She knows she may not discriminate based on age or sex, but she also doesn't want to send someone on an assignment that will cause personal difficulties, disrupt family relations, and cause complications for the manager's success. How can she best avoid discrimination while selecting a candidate who can thrive in the assignment?

A) by maintaining a positive view of the assignment so all candidates will be interested
B) by inviting candidates to a frank, but private, conversation about family-related issues
C) by interviewing only candidates without spouses or children
D) by asking each candidate to describe his or her family situation
E) by giving candidates a complete, accurate preview of the assignment and the host country's culture

On Jul 03, 2024



Which of the following occur(s) when one party threatens physical harm to gain consent to a contract?

A) Duress
B) Undue influence
C) Disparagement
D) Criminal influence
E) Duress and disparagement,but not undue influence

On Jun 30, 2024



Consider a situation in which the government has limited information about costs and benefits of pollution abatement associated with a given industry. However, it is known that the marginal social cost curve for emissions is much steeper than the marginal cost of abatement curve (in absolute terms). In this situation, which method of emissions control is preferable when the greatest concern is with accuracy of control rather than the cost of control? That is, should a fee be used or should a standard be used? Explain.

On Jun 03, 2024

In this problem, a standard is preferable to a fee. The reason is that for a given percent error in either method, the fee produces a much bigger social cost. One should note, when information is not complete, standards offer more certainty about emissions levels, but leave the costs of abatement uncertain. Fees offer more certainty about costs, but leave reductions in emissions uncertain.
The relative slopes of the curves are important in determining which method of control yields the greatest variation in possible increase in social cost.


In the case of sales with delayed delivery

A) the seller should always recognize revenue before the products are delivered to the customer.
B) the goods belong to the customer.
C) if the buyer requests in the sales agreement that the transaction be on a "bill and hold" basis and has a substantial business reason for doing so,the seller may recognize revenue when production of the goods is complete.
D) recognized under the installment sales methoD.

On May 31, 2024



If an individual's labor supply curve is backward bending, then:

A) the income effect associated with a higher wage is greater than the substitution effect.
B) the substitution effect associated with a higher wage is greater than the income effect.
C) the substitution effect associated with a higher wage encourages more leisure.
D) A and C
E) B and C

On May 02, 2024



In the context of the job characteristics theory, _____, a core job dimension, stimulates a critical psychological state that is the degree to which an employee knows and understands, on a continuous basis, how effectively he or she is performing the job.

A) skill variety
B) autonomy
C) feedback
D) task significance

On May 01, 2024



Which of the following is not an essential part of the accounting records?

A) the journal
B) the ledger
C) the chart of accounts
D) the end-of-period spreadsheet

On Apr 30, 2024



Which of the following was NOT recommended as a guideline for coaching?

A) Provide constructive feedback about effective and ineffective behavior.
B) Ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her performance.
C) Encourage the person to look at a problem from different perspectives.
D) Provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each assignment.

On Apr 29, 2024



Producing and distributing a résumé used to be fairly straightforward; you printed it on quality paper and mailed or faxed it to employers. However, the advent of databases that let managers sort through incoming applications to find the most promising candidates, called ________, and social media has dramatically changed the nature of résumé production and distribution.

A) applicant recruitment systems
B) quality tracking systems
C) auto-tracking systems
D) applicant tracking systems

On Apr 27, 2024