


On January 1, 20X6, Clock Inc. of Vancouver purchased 75% of the outstanding shares of Time Limited in London, England. Time Limited's statements of financial position and statements of comprehensive income and changes in equity-retained earnings section for the year ended December 31, 20X7, are below.  Time Limited Statement of Financial Position December 31, 20X7 (in thousands of £′s ) Assets 20×720×6 Cash 5020 Accounts receivable 575280 Inventories 825650 Equipment, net 2,670‾2,937‾ Total assets 4,120‾3,887‾ Liabilities  Accounts payable 465395 Bonds payable 1,2901,290 Common shares 1,2001,200 Retained earnings 1,165‾1,002‾ Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 4,120‾3,887‾\begin{array}{c}\text { Time Limited}\\\text { Statement of Financial Position}\\\text { December 31, 20X7}\\\text { (in thousands of \( £^{\prime} \)s )}\\\\\begin{array}{|l|r|r|}\hline \text { Assets } & 20 \times 7 & 20 \times 6 \\\hline \text { Cash } & 50 & 20 \\\hline \text { Accounts receivable } & 575 & 280 \\\hline \text { Inventories } & 825 & 650 \\\hline \text { Equipment, net } & \underline{2,670} & \underline{2,937} \\\hline \text { Total assets } & \underline{4,120} & \underline{3, 887 }\\\hline\\\hline \text { Liabilities } & & \\\hline \text { Accounts payable } & 465 & 395 \\\hline \text { Bonds payable } & 1,290 & 1,290 \\\hline \text { Common shares } & 1,200 & 1,200 \\\hline \text { Retained earnings } & \underline{1,165} & \underline{1,002} \\\hline \text { Total liabilities and shareholders' equity } & \underline{4,120} & \underline{3,887} \\\hline\end{array}\end{array} Time Limited Statement of Financial Position December 31, 20X7 (in thousands of £s ) Assets  Cash  Accounts receivable  Inventories  Equipment, net  Total assets  Liabilities  Accounts payable  Bonds payable  Common shares  Retained earnings  Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 20×7505758252,6704,1204651,2901,2001,1654,12020×6202806502,9373,8873951,2901,2001,0023,887
 Time Limited Statement of Comprehensive Income Year Ended December 31, 20X7 (in thousands of £′s )£ Sales 2,170‾ Cost of goods sold 1,203 Depreciation expense 267 Interest expense 80 Other expenses 4071,957‾ Comprehensive income 213\begin{array}{c}\text { Time Limited}\\\text { Statement of Comprehensive Income}\\ \text { Year Ended December 31, 20X7}\\\text { (in thousands of \( £^{\prime} \)s )}\\\\\begin{array}{|l|r|}\hline & £ \\\hline \text { Sales } & \underline{2,170} \\\hline \text { Cost of goods sold } & 1,203 \\\hline \text { Depreciation expense } & 267 \\\hline \text { Interest expense } & 80 \\\hline \text { Other expenses } & 407 \\\hline & \underline{1,957} \\\hline \text { Comprehensive income } & 213\\\hline\end{array}\end{array} Time Limited Statement of Comprehensive Income Year Ended December 31, 20X7 (in thousands of £s ) Sales  Cost of goods sold  Depreciation expense  Interest expense  Other expenses  Comprehensive income £2,1701,203267804071,957213

Time LimitedStatement of Changes in Equity-Partial-Retained earnings sectionYear Ended December 31, 20X7(in thousands of £′s )£ Retained earnings-January 1,20X71,002 Comprehensive income for the year 213 Dividends paid (50) Retained earnings - December 31,20X71,165\begin{array}{c}\text {Time Limited}\\\text {Statement of Changes in Equity-Partial-Retained earnings section}\\\text {Year Ended December 31, 20X7}\\\text {(in thousands of \(£ ^{\prime} \)s )}\\\\\begin{array}{|l|r|}\hline & £ \\\hline \text { Retained earnings-January } 1,20X7 & 1,002 \\\hline \text { Comprehensive income for the year } & 213 \\\hline \text { Dividends paid } & (50) \\\hline \text { Retained earnings - December } 31,20X7 & 1,165\\\hline\end{array}\end{array}Time LimitedStatement of Changes in Equity-Partial-Retained earnings sectionYear Ended December 31, 20X7(in thousands of £s ) Retained earnings-January 1,20X7 Comprehensive income for the year  Dividends paid  Retained earnings - December 31,20X7£1,002213(50)1,165
Additional information:
1. Time was incorporated on January 1, 20X3, when it acquired all its equipment for £4,005,000 and issued its 10-year bonds payable.
2. Time's purchases and sales occurred evenly over the year. Inventories on hand at December 31, 20X6, and December 20X7 were purchased evenly over the last quarter of 20X6 and 20X7, respectively. Inventories as at December 31, 20X7, were £650,000.
3. Dividends were paid on March 31, 20X7.
4. Foreign exchange rates are as follows:
 January 1,20X3£1=C$1.95 January 1, 20X6 £1=C$1.85 Average for Oct to Dec, 20X6 £1=C$1.64 Average for 20X6 £1=C$1.73 December 31,20X6/ January 1,20X7£1=C$1.67 March 31,20X7£1=C$1.61 Average for Oct to Dec, 20X7£1=C$1.55 Average for 20X7£1=C$1.57 December 31.20X7£1=C$1.52\begin{array}{ll}\text { January } 1,20X3 & £ 1=C \$ 1.95 \\\text { January 1, 20X6 } & £ 1=C \$ 1.85 \\\text { Average for Oct to Dec, 20X6 } & £ 1=C \$ 1.64 \\\text { Average for 20X6 } & £ 1=\mathrm{C} \$ 1.73\\ \text { December } 31,20X6 / \text { January } 1,20X7 & £ 1=C \$ 1.67 \\\text { March } 31,20X7 & £ 1=C \$ 1.61 \\\text { Average for Oct to Dec, } 20X7 & £ 1=C \$ 1.55 \\\text { Average for } 20X 7 & £ 1=C \$ 1.57 \\\text { December } 31.20X7 & £ 1=C \$ 1.52\end{array} January 1,20X3 January 1, 20X6  Average for Oct to Dec, 20X6  Average for 20X6  December 31,20X6/ January 1,20X7 March 31,20X7 Average for Oct to Dec, 20X7 Average for 20X7 December 31.20X7£1=C$1.95£1=C$1.85£1=C$1.64£1=C$1.73£1=C$1.67£1=C$1.61£1=C$1.55£1=C$1.57£1=C$1.52

Translate Time's statement of comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 20X7 into Canadian dollars assuming its functional currency is Canadian dollars. Calculate the translation gain or loss arising in 20X7.

On Jul 28, 2024

Time Limited\text {Time Limited}Time Limited
Statement of Comprehensive Income\text {Statement of Comprehensive Income}Statement of Comprehensive Income
 Year Ended December 31, 20X7\text { Year Ended December 31, \( 20X7 \)} Year Ended December 31, 20X7
(in thousands of £ ’s)\text {(in thousands of \( £ \) 's)}(in thousands of £ ’s)

£ Exchange rate C$ Sales 2,1701.573,407 Opening inventory 6501.641,066 Purchases 1,3781.572,163 Closing inventory (825)1.55(1,279) Depreciation expense 2671.85494 Interest expense 801.57126 Other expenses 4071.57‾639‾1,957‾3,209‾198‾ Translation gain 197 Comprehensive income 213395\begin{array}{|l|r|r|r|}\hline &£ & \text { Exchange rate } & \mathrm{C} \$ \\\hline \text { Sales } & 2,170 & 1.57 & 3,407 \\\hline & & & \\\hline \text { Opening inventory } & 650 & 1.64 & 1,066 \\\hline \text { Purchases } & 1,378 & 1.57 & 2,163 \\\hline \text { Closing inventory } & (825) & 1.55 & (1,279)\\ \hline \text { Depreciation expense } & 267 & 1.85 & 494 \\\hline \text { Interest expense } & 80 & 1.57 & 126 \\\hline \text { Other expenses } & 407 & \underline{1.57} & \underline{639} \\\hline & \underline{1,957} & & \underline{3,209} \\\hline & & & \underline{198} \\\hline \text { Translation gain } & & & 197 \\\hline \text { Comprehensive income } & 213 & & 395 \\\hline\end{array} Sales  Opening inventory  Purchases  Closing inventory  Depreciation expense  Interest expense  Other expenses  Translation gain  Comprehensive income £2,1706501,378(825)267804071,957213 Exchange rate 1.571.641.571.551.851.571.57C$3,4071,0662,163(1,279)4941266393,209198197395
Calculation of translation gain or loss for 20X7.
 In thousands of £′ ’s  Local  currency £ Exchange  rate  C $ Monetary items:  Balance Janulary 1, 20X7 (1,3851.67(2,313 Changes during 20X7  Sales 2,1701.53,407 Purchases (note 1) (1,3781.57(2,163 Interest (801.57(126) Other expenses (4071.57(639) Dividends paid (501.61(81) Derived balance (1,915) Actual balance-December 31,20×7(1,1301.52(1,718‾) Net translation gain for 20×7197‾\begin{array}{|l|r|r|r|}\hline \text { In thousands of } £^{\prime} \text { 's } & \begin{array}{c}\text { Local } \\\text { currency } \\£\end{array} & \begin{array}{c}\text { Exchange } \\\text { rate }\end{array} & \text { C } \$ \\\hline \text { Monetary items: } & & & \\\hline \text { Balance Janulary 1, 20X7 } & (1,385 & 1.67 & (2,313 \\\hline \text { Changes during 20X7 } & & & \\\hline \text { Sales } & 2,170 & 1.5 & 3,407 \\\hline \text { Purchases (note 1) } & (1,378 & 1.57 & (2,163 \\\hline \text { Interest } & (80 & 1.57 & (126) \\\hline \text { Other expenses } & (407 & 1.57 & (639) \\\hline \text { Dividends paid } & (50 & 1.61 & (81) \\\hline \text { Derived balance } & & & (1,915) \\\hline \text { Actual balance-December } 31,20 \times 7 & (1,130 & 1.52 & \underline{(1,718}) \\\hline \text { Net translation gain for } 20 \times 7 & & & \underline{197} \\\hline\end{array} In thousands of £ ’s  Monetary items:  Balance Janulary 1, 20X7  Changes during 20X7  Sales  Purchases (note 1)  Interest  Other expenses  Dividends paid  Derived balance  Actual balance-December 31,20×7 Net translation gain for 20×7 Local  currency £(1,3852,170(1,378(80(407(50(1,130 Exchange  rate 1.671.51.571.571.571.611.52 C $(2,3133,407(2,163(126)(639)(81)(1,915)(1,718)197
Note 1: Purchases is equal to:
Cost of goods sold add closing inventory less opening inventory:
= 1,203 + 825 - 650 = 1,378


Your company has an available balance of $5,980. A deposit of $1,470 that was made this morning is not yet included in the bank's balance. There are also 2 checks outstanding with a value of $495 each. What is the net float?

A) Net collection float of $480.
B) Net collection float of $975.
C) Net float of $900.
D) Net disbursement float of $480.
E) Net disbursement float of $975.

On Jul 14, 2024



Samantha Fischer, an inventory manager at Gama Retail, is in charge of fulfilling customer requirements for the company's online store that services global markets. To be able to do this, she is required to be aware of patterns of consumer purchase, consumer needs, and consumer service approaches for different countries. Samantha's role illustrates the _____ of global leadership, which arises because managers are operating in multiple countries, dealing with various cultures, and most importantly recognizing that optimal solutions will vary across different countries.

A) permanence
B) centralized hierarchy
C) structural constancy
D) complexity

On Jun 28, 2024



Which of the following factors about a competitor is LEAST relevant when using a supply-side approach to market definition?

A) production costs
B) customer insights
C) distribution channels
D) manufacturing processes

On Jun 14, 2024



They plan,direct,strategize,integrate,coordinate,and prioritize.They are ___ teams.

A) project
B) advisory
C) management
D) work

On May 29, 2024



Emotional intelligence is most important for the job performance of employees with lower levels of ________.

On May 02, 2024

cognitive ability


Specific Identification can be used for inventory valuation under GAAP ‾ IFRS ‾\begin{array} { l l l } & \underline{ \text {GAAP }} & \underline{ \text { IFRS }} \\\end{array}GAAP  IFRS 
A)  Yes  No \begin{array} { l l l } &\text { Yes } & &\text { No } \\\end{array} Yes  No 
B)  Yes  Yes \begin{array} { l l l } &\text { Yes } && \text { Yes } \\\end{array} Yes  Yes 
C)  No No \begin{array} { l l l }& \text { No } && \text {No } \\\end{array} No No 
D)  No Yes \begin{array} { l l l } &\text { No } && \text {Yes }\end{array} No Yes 

On Apr 29, 2024