


A form used within a business by the requesting department asking the purchasing department to buy specific goods is called a(n) :

A) purchase order.
B) purchase requisition.
C) credit memorandum.
D) employee memorandum.

On Jul 21, 2024



For which of the following is an organization most likely to choose coaching as the most suitable training program?

A) to train a new employee in how to use the phone system
B) to teach a line worker how to operate the painting machine
C) to teach a CEO how to improve her communication skills
D) to improve a new employee's reading and writing skills
E) to teach a staff member how to use a new piece of safety equipment

On Jul 18, 2024



Financial statement users must recognize that interest expense may seriously

A) overstate the true cost of debt financing when convertible debt is used.
B) understate the true cost of debt financing when convertible debt is used.
C) impact the dividend rate.
D) impact the amount of dividend declareD.

On Jun 21, 2024



(Figure: Monopoly Profits in Duopoly) Use Figure: Monopoly Profits in Duopoly.The figure shows how an industry consisting of two firms that face identical demand curves (D1) can collude to increase profits.The market demand curve is D2. Which assumption is part of the analysis illustrated by the model?

A) The two firms have identical marginal cost but different average total cost.
B) The two firms sell differentiated products.
C) The MR curve is not relevant to either firm's choices.
D) The firms can act as a cartel and maximize their combined economic profit.

On Jun 18, 2024



Describe how internal values conflicts and conflicts with others can affect personal and organizational performance.Give examples.

On May 22, 2024

Internal values conflicts occur when an individual's personal beliefs and principles clash with each other, causing inner turmoil and confusion. This can lead to a lack of clarity and focus, which can ultimately affect personal performance. For example, if an employee values honesty and integrity but is asked to participate in a project that involves deception or unethical behavior, they may experience internal conflict that hinders their ability to perform effectively.

Similarly, conflicts with others can also have a significant impact on personal and organizational performance. When individuals within a team or organization have conflicting values or beliefs, it can lead to tension, communication breakdowns, and a lack of cohesion. This can result in decreased productivity, morale, and overall performance. For instance, if two team members have different approaches to problem-solving and are unable to find common ground, it can lead to inefficiency and a negative impact on the organization's goals.

In both cases, internal values conflicts and conflicts with others can create a toxic work environment, leading to decreased motivation, increased turnover, and ultimately, a decline in organizational performance. It is essential for individuals and organizations to address these conflicts proactively, through open communication, conflict resolution strategies, and a commitment to upholding shared values and principles. By doing so, they can foster a positive and productive work environment that supports personal and organizational success.


Gross private domestic investment consists of _____.

A) spending by individual households on automobiles and durable goods
B) spending by businesses on labor resources
C) net additions to business inventories
D) spending by government on welfare benefits
E) spending by households on stocks and bonds

On May 19, 2024