


​What do current death rate statistics resulting from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases reflect most about health and health care trends in the United States?

A) ​A fall in healthy lifestyle behaviors
B) ​A decrease in socioeconomic levels
C) ​An increase in the aging population
D) ​An increase in environmental toxins

On Jun 21, 2024



With regard to stress and disease,​

A) ​executives are more likely than middle-level managers are to develop diseases associated with stress.
B) ​stress can affect disease development directly through the immune system or indirectly through behaviors.
C) ​stress is more likely to result in psychological disorders than it is to result in physiological diseases.
D) ​both a and c are correct.

On Jun 19, 2024



SA: In addition to applying psychological principles to physical health care, identify some other functions of health psychology that involve interaction with biological and sociological factors. Explain briefly how biological, psychological, and sociological factors contribute to health outcomes, and how this relates to a health psychology goal.

On Jun 17, 2024

A. Functions of health psychology include:
1. Helping to identify conditions that affect health
2. Helping to diagnose some chronic diseases
3. Helping to treat certain chronic diseases
4. Helping to accomplish physiological and psychological rehabilitation by changing the behaviors these involve
B. Health psychology interacts with biological and sociological aspects of health in fulfilling the above functions.
C. Biological factors are the only factors directly contributing to physiological health and illness.
D. Psychological and sociological factors contribute indirectly to physical health and illness.
1. For these factors to affect biological processes, they must "get under the skin," i.e. exert some biological influence, or be manifested biologically.
E. Identifying the pathways whereby psychological and sociological factors come to affect biological health and disease processes is a goal of health psychology.


The most common source of radiation exposure is X-rays.

On Jun 13, 2024



In general,men typically have a higher absolute level of cardiorespiratory functioning than women have.Which of the following does NOT account for this difference?

A) Men typically have larger hearts.
B) Men have more skeletal muscle mass.
C) Men have greater blood capacity.
D) Men have smaller lungs.

On May 27, 2024



Which of these is the strongest inherent risk factor for cancer?​

A) ​Ethnic background
B) ​Advancing age
C) ​Family history
D) ​Gender

On May 22, 2024



In underdeveloped and developing countries, what is the current status of mortality rates from heart disease and stroke, and why?​

A) ​They are rising because of the lack of medical treatment in these countries.
B) ​They are rising as lifestyles become more like those of developed countries.
C) ​They are stable as better lifestyles and less healthcare cancel out each other.
D) ​They are falling as these countries are acquiring better medical technologies.

On May 18, 2024



​Bart is concerned because his 75-year-old grandfather has always been about 20 pounds overweight and refuses to diet. Bart should know that

A) ​losing weight after age 60 doubles the risk for cardiovascular disease.
B) ​overweight may protect his grandfather's mortality a bit at his age.
C) ​his grandfather should go on a diet whether he wants to do so or not.
D) ​both a and c are correct.

On May 14, 2024



Research most strongly suggests that anxiety and depression are​

A) ​negatively related to the development and progression of heart disease.
B) ​positively related to the development but not progression of heart disease.
C) ​positively related to the development and the progression of heart disease.
D) ​unrelated to the development of or to the progression of heart disease.

On May 12, 2024



Kermit wants to exercise with a minimum of injury. What precautions should he take?

A) He should limit exercise to temperatures between 30° and 80° F.

B) He should use proper shoes and equipment.
C) He should use a personal trainer.
D) He should not bother about any of the above because injury is not likely.

On May 11, 2024