


Martin Seligman developed a theory based on the idea that depression results from:

A) the loss of a loved one, real or symbolic.
B) negative thinking and maladaptive thoughts.
C) a decrease in the number of positive reinforcements.
D) a belief that one has no control over the events in one's life.

On Jul 11, 2024



In part, gender roles are shaped by the power of rewards and punishment, which are the key processes in

A) operant conditioning.
B) classical conditioning.
C) observational learning.
D) social constructionism.

On Jul 09, 2024



Your friend's grandmother is very sweet and energetic for her age at 72 years. But your friend says her grandmother never takes care of herself: she is always driving other seniors to their doctor's appointments or visiting sick friends. Your friend is becoming worried because her grandmother's arthritis is getting worse and she is becoming depressed. The grandmother appears to be

A) high in communion.
B) low in communion.
C) high in unmitigated communion.
D) high in unmitigated agency.

On Jun 11, 2024



What are the risk factors for sexual abuse in childhood?

On Jun 09, 2024

Reported cases of child sexual abuse are more common in homes characterized by poverty, food and housing insecurity, marital instability, and drug and alcohol abuse. Children who are raised in homes in which adults come and go-repeated marriages, separations, and revolving romantic partners-are at higher risk of sexual abuse. However, sexual abuse also occurs in intact families and at all socioeconomic levels. Some researchers argue that maltreatment is more likely to be discovered in children of disadvantaged families than in children at higher socioeconomic levels, because disadvantaged children are likelier to come into contact with social services, such as when parents seek welfare and other forms of financial assistance or when parental substance use is discovered.


__________ is a type of persuasive communication that influences behavior on the basis of arousing anxiety and concern instead of rational analysis of the issues.

A) Selective exposure
B) The actor-observer effect
C) Fear appeal
D) The recency effect

On May 11, 2024



Psychologists sometimes speak of ____________________, the ability to perceive, imagine, and understand emotions and to use that information in making decisions.

On May 10, 2024

emotional intelligence