


Roberta is in the process of buying a new flat screen TV. There are many possible flat screens to choose from, but she is focused on a few she would actually consider buying. These make up her ________ set.

A) universal
B) retrieval
C) immediate
D) evoked
E) focus

On Jul 19, 2024



How do group norms influence the ethical behavior of an organization? What happens when the norms of a particular group conflict with the organization's corporate culture or objectives?

On Jul 17, 2024

Group normsare standards of behavior groups expect of their members. Just as corporateculture establishes behavior guidelines for an organization's members, group norms helpdefine acceptable and unacceptable behavior within a group. In particular, group normsdefine the limit allowed on deviations from group expectations. Norms also provide explicitethical directions. Theyhave the power to enforce a strong degree of conformity among group members. At the same time, they define the different roles for various positions within theorganization.Sometimes group norms conflict with the values and rules prescribed by the organization's culture. If this happens, it often results in a culture that is inconsistent with its purported rules and values. In this case, management should take corrective action and continually monitor not only the corporate culture but also the norms of all the various groups in the organization.


A business paid $7,000 to a creditor in payment of an amount owed. The effect of the transaction on the accounting equation was to

A) increase an asset, decrease another asset
B) decrease an asset, decrease a liability
C) increase an asset, increase a liability
D) increase an asset, increase owner's equity

On Jun 18, 2024



BrettPark High School decides to sponsor a rugby team. It is in the process of considering where to buy the uniforms. This is a ________ situation.

A) straight rebuy
B) new buy
C) straight new buy
D) modified new buy
E) modified rebuy

On Jun 17, 2024



Money is created when

A) Congress enacts legislation providing for increased bank reserves.
B) depository institutions make loans.
C) the Federal Reserve Board of Governors increases the discount rate.
D) Congress reduces taxes.
E) Congress increases spending.

On May 19, 2024



When Linda saw the ad for the new and improved Swiffer mop, she rushed out and bought one. She can be considered to have the trait of:

A) innovativeness.
B) materialism.
C) self-consciousness.
D) need for cognition.

On May 18, 2024