


The King James Version of the Bible was completed when William Shakespeare was 46 years old.In Psalm 46 of this translation,the forty-sixth word is "shake," and the forty-sixth word from the end is "spear." Before concluding that the biblical translators were trying to be humorous with these specific word placements,you would be best advised to recognize the danger of

A) randomly sampling biblical passages.
B) generalizing from extreme instances.
C) assuming that most people share your opinions.
D) perceiving order in coincidental events.

On Jul 16, 2024



Analyze the issues that ethnic and cultural factors raise as adolescents try to develop a personal identity.

On Jul 13, 2024

Adolescence is a time of significant personal development, including the formation of a personal identity. However, ethnic and cultural factors can raise a number of issues for adolescents as they navigate this process.

One issue is the pressure to conform to cultural norms and expectations. Adolescents may feel torn between their desire to fit in with their peers and the expectations of their family and cultural community. This can create a sense of conflict and confusion as they try to figure out who they are and who they want to be.

Another issue is the experience of discrimination and prejudice based on their ethnic or cultural background. This can have a profound impact on adolescents' self-esteem and sense of identity, leading to feelings of shame or inferiority. It can also create a sense of alienation and isolation, making it difficult for adolescents to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Additionally, adolescents may struggle with the challenge of navigating multiple cultural identities. For example, a teenager who comes from a mixed-race or immigrant family may feel pressure to choose between their different cultural heritages, leading to feelings of confusion and identity crisis.

Furthermore, cultural and ethnic factors can also influence adolescents' access to resources and opportunities. For example, language barriers or economic disparities may limit their ability to fully engage in activities that could help them explore and develop their personal identity.

In conclusion, ethnic and cultural factors can raise a range of complex issues for adolescents as they try to develop a personal identity. It is important for parents, educators, and communities to provide support and guidance to help adolescents navigate these challenges and develop a strong and positive sense of self.


The interaction of a heterozygous pair of alleles in such a way that the phenotype reflects one allele more than the other is referred to as a(n) :

A) additive pattern.
B) multifactorial pattern.
C) dominant–recessive pattern.
D) polygenic pattern.

On Jun 16, 2024



What does research suggest about gender diversity and team productivity?

A) Gender-balanced teams performed better, as measured by sales and profits, than predominantly male teams.
B) Gender-diverse teams are inefficient due to poor communication.
C) Gender diversity has no impact on team productivity.
D) Predominately male teams performed better, as measured by sales and profits, than gender-balanced teams.

On Jun 13, 2024



Marie feels socially useful in her career as a financial investment adviser.Erik Erikson would have suggested that Marie experiences a sense of

A) neurogenesis.
B) autonomy.
C) generativity.
D) plasticity.

On May 17, 2024



When inactive,the electrical charge inside a neuron is slightly more negative than the electrical charge outside the neuron.This difference in the electrical charge inside and outside the neuron is the

A) action potential.
B) resting state.
C) inhibitory signal.
D) excitatory signal.

On May 14, 2024