


Price and total revenue move in the same direction when demand is

A) price elastic.
B) price inelastic.
C) unit price elastic.
D) perfectly price elastic.

On Jul 30, 2024



Which of the following is NOT generally considered a component of a firm's competitive environment?

A) rival firms
B) new entrants
C) labour laws
D) suppliers

On Jul 27, 2024



Typical operations management decisions address all of the following except

A) resource acquisition.
B) inventories.
C) facilities.
D) workflows.
E) executive compensation.

On Jun 30, 2024



On April 1, 2019, the balance sheets of Optimum Inc. and Electra Inc. were as follows:
 Optimum Inc  Electra Inc  Cash and Short-Term  Securities $380,000$20,000 Inventory $50,000$10,000 Plant and Equipment (net) $320,000$120,000 Total Assets $750,000$150,000 Current Liabilities $75,000$15,000 Bonds Payable $100,000$30,000 Common Shares $150,000$55,000 Retained Earnings $425,000$50,000 Total Liabilities and Equity $750,000$150,000\begin{array}{|l|r|r|}\hline & \text { Optimum Inc } & \text { Electra Inc } \\\hline \begin{array}{l}\text { Cash and Short-Term } \\\text { Securities }\end{array} & \$ 380,000 & \$ 20,000 \\\hline \text { Inventory } & \$ 50,000 & \$ 10,000 \\\hline \text { Plant and Equipment (net) } & \$ 320,000 & \$ 120,000 \\\hline \text { Total Assets } & \$ 750,000 & \$ 150,000 \\\hline \text { Current Liabilities } & \$ 75,000 & \$ 15,000 \\\hline \text { Bonds Payable } & \$ 100,000 & \$ 30,000 \\\hline \text { Common Shares } & \$ 150,000 & \$ 55,000 \\\hline \text { Retained Earnings } & \$ 425,000 & \$ 50,000 \\\hline \text { Total Liabilities and Equity } & \$ 750,000 & \$ 150,000 \\\hline\end{array} Cash and Short-Term  Securities  Inventory  Plant and Equipment (net)  Total Assets  Current Liabilities  Bonds Payable  Common Shares  Retained Earnings  Total Liabilities and Equity  Optimum Inc $380,000$50,000$320,000$750,000$75,000$100,000$150,000$425,000$750,000 Electra Inc $20,000$10,000$120,000$150,000$15,000$30,000$55,000$50,000$150,000 On that date, the fair values of Electra's Assets and Liabilities were as follows:
 Short-Term Securities $32,000 Inventory $5,000 Plant and Equipment (net) $150,000 Current Liabilities $15,000 Bonds Payable $28,000\begin{array}{|l|r|}\hline \text { Short-Term Securities } & \$ 32,000 \\\hline \text { Inventory } & \$ 5,000 \\\hline \text { Plant and Equipment (net) } & \$ 150,000 \\\hline \text { Current Liabilities } & \$ 15,000 \\\hline \text { Bonds Payable } & \$ 28,000\\\hline \end{array} Short-Term Securities  Inventory  Plant and Equipment (net)  Current Liabilities  Bonds Payable $32,000$5,000$150,000$15,000$28,000 On April 1, 2019, Optimum issued 5,000 new common shares with a market value of $50.00 per share as consideration for Electra's net assets. Prior to the issue, Optimum had 10,000 outstanding common shares.
a) Calculate the amount of Goodwill arising from this combination.
b) Prepare the journal entry to record Optimum's acquisition of Electra's assets.
c) Prepare Optimum's Consolidated Balance Sheet immediately following its acquisition of Electra's assets.
d) Prepare Electra's Balance Sheet following the acquisition.

On Jun 27, 2024

 Purchase Price: $250,000 Less: Fair value of Net Assets Acquired: $144,000 Goodwill: $106,000\begin{array}{|l|l|}\hline \text { Purchase Price: } & \$ 250,000 \\\hline \text { Less: Fair value of Net Assets Acquired: } & \$ 144,000 \\\hline \text { Goodwill: } & \$ 106,000\\\hline\end{array} Purchase Price:  Less: Fair value of Net Assets Acquired:  Goodwill: $250,000$144,000$106,000 b)
 Cash & Short-Term Securities $32,000 Inventory $5,000 Plant & Equipment (net) $150,000 Current Liabilities $15,000 Bonds Payable $28,000 Goodwill $106,000 Common Shares $250,000\begin{array}{|l|r|r|}\hline \text { Cash \& Short-Term Securities } & \$ 32,000 \\\hline \text { Inventory } & \$ 5,000 & \\\hline \text { Plant \& Equipment (net) } & \$ 150,000 & \\\hline \text { Current Liabilities } & & \$ 15,000 \\\hline\text { Bonds Payable } & & \$ 28,000 \\\hline \text { Goodwill } & \$ 106,000 & \\\hline \text { Common Shares } & & \$ 250,000\\\hline\end{array} Cash & Short-Term Securities  Inventory  Plant & Equipment (net)  Current Liabilities  Bonds Payable  Goodwill  Common Shares $32,000$5,000$150,000$106,000$15,000$28,000$250,000 c) OPTIMUM INC.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at April 1, 2019
 ASSETS:  Cash & Short-Term Securities $412,000 Inventory $55,000 Plant & Equipment (net) $470,000 Goodwill $106,000 Total Assets $1,043,000 LIABLITES:  Current Liabilities $90,000 Bonds Payable $128,000 Total Liabilities $218,000 Shareholders’ Equity  Common Shares $400,000 Retained Earnings $425,000 Total Shareholders’ Equity $825,000 Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity $1,043,000\begin{array}{|l|r|}\hline \text { ASSETS: } & \\\hline \text { Cash \& Short-Term Securities } & \$ 412,000 \\\hline \text { Inventory } & \$ 55,000 \\\hline \text { Plant \& Equipment (net) } & \$ 470,000 \\\hline \text { Goodwill } & \$ 106,000 \\\hline \text { Total Assets } & \$ 1,043,000 \\\hline \text { LIABLITES: } & \\\hline \text { Current Liabilities } & \$ 90,000 \\\hline \text { Bonds Payable } & \$ 128,000 \\\hline \text { Total Liabilities } & \$ 218,000 \\\hline \text { Shareholders' Equity } & \\\hline \text { Common Shares } & \$ 400,000 \\\hline \text { Retained Earnings } & \$ 425,000 \\\hline \text { Total Shareholders' Equity } & \$ 825,000 \\\hline \text { Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity } & \$ 1,043,000\\\hline\end{array} ASSETS:  Cash & Short-Term Securities  Inventory  Plant & Equipment (net)  Goodwill  Total Assets  LIABLITES:  Current Liabilities  Bonds Payable  Total Liabilities  Shareholders’ Equity  Common Shares  Retained Earnings  Total Shareholders’ Equity  Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity $412,000$55,000$470,000$106,000$1,043,000$90,000$128,000$218,000$400,000$425,000$825,000$1,043,000 d) ELECTRA INC.
Balance Sheet
as at April 1, 2019
 ASSETS:  Investment in Optimum Inc. $250,000 TOTAL ASSETS $250,000 Shareholders’ Equity:  Common Shares $55,000 Retained Earnings $195,000 Total Shareholder’s’Equity $250,000\begin{array}{|l|r|}\hline \text { ASSETS: } & \\\hline \text { Investment in Optimum Inc. } & \$ 250,000 \\\hline \text { TOTAL ASSETS } & \$ 250,000 \\\hline \text { Shareholders' Equity: } & \\\hline \text { Common Shares } & \$ 55,000 \\\hline \text { Retained Earnings } &\$ 195,000 \\\hline \text { Total Shareholder's'Equity } &\$ 250,000 \\\hline\end{array} ASSETS:  Investment in Optimum Inc.  TOTAL ASSETS  Shareholders’ Equity:  Common Shares  Retained Earnings  Total Shareholder’s’Equity $250,000$250,000$55,000$195,000$250,000


Economic rent, or pure rent, is

A) a payment made for the use of housing, factory buildings, or capital goods.
B) a payment for resources used in the production of "free goods."
C) a payment for the use of those resources whose supply is perfectly elastic.
D) the price paid for the use of land and other nonreproducible resources.

On May 31, 2024



Define three categories of automatic thoughts and provide an example of each.

On May 28, 2024

The three categories of automatic thoughts are negative, positive, and neutral.

1. Negative automatic thoughts: These are thoughts that are pessimistic, self-critical, and can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness. An example of a negative automatic thought is "I always mess things up" or "I'll never be good enough."

2. Positive automatic thoughts: These are thoughts that are optimistic, self-affirming, and can lead to feelings of confidence and happiness. An example of a positive automatic thought is "I can handle this challenge" or "I am capable and strong."

3. Neutral automatic thoughts: These are thoughts that are neither inherently positive nor negative, and may not have a strong emotional impact. An example of a neutral automatic thought is "I need to pick up some groceries on the way home" or "I have a meeting at 3 pm."