


If the demand for bacon is relatively elastic, a 10 percent decline in the price of bacon will

A) decrease the amount demanded by more than 10 percent.
B) increase the amount demanded by more than 10 percent.
C) decrease the amount demanded by less than 10 percent.
D) increase the amount demanded by less than 10 percent.

On Jul 18, 2024



An agent's duty of loyalty means she likely cannot act for:

A) more than one principal.
B) two principals in the same transaction.
C) more than one year for the same principal.
D) an undisclosed principal.

On Jul 14, 2024



Which of the following statements is correct?

A) In the short run, the pure monopolist will maximize total profits by producing at that level of output where the difference between price and average total cost is greatest.
B) In the short run, the pure monopolist will charge the highest price it can get for its product.
C) Because of its ability to set its own price, the pure monopolist can increase price and increase its volume of sales simultaneously.
D) Pure monopolists do not always realize positive profits, sometimes they suffer losses.

On Jun 16, 2024



If labor's share of the income paid to American resource suppliers is broadly defined as the sum of wages and salaries and proprietors' income,we can say that labor's relative share has:

A) remained approximately constant since 1900.
B) increased dramatically at the expense of capitalist income.
C) declined by about one-third since 1900.
D) decreased because of the decline of unionism.

On Jun 14, 2024



Which of the following is a perplexing question about the strong-culture perspective about the relationship between organizational culture and performance?

A) What can happen when strong cultures provide control without the oppressive effects of a bureaucracy?
B) What can hold true when motivation is not enhanced even if values are shared by the members of an organization?
C) What can be said about evidence showing that strong economic performance can create strong cultures, rather than the reverse?
D) What if the performance of an organization remains unchanged, even after goal alignment?

On May 16, 2024



A team should be

A) large enough to provide competencies and perspectives, and small enough to maintain involvement and coordination.
B) used in all problem solving and decision making.
C) the method of last resort for making important decisions.
D) formed when a speedy decision is needed.
E) none of these.

On May 13, 2024