


Which of the following is an example of organizational citizenship behavior?

A) helping someone with a computer problem,even though that isn't your department
B) resigning when the organization gets into financial difficulty
C) working overtime when required to by the union contract
D) performing your normal duties

On Aug 03, 2024



Lipstick Inc. merges with Mascara Inc. Only Mascara remains. The articles of merger

A) amend the articles of Mascara.
B) disappear once the merger is complete.
C) create an entirely new organization.
D) take the place of the articles of Mascara.

On Aug 02, 2024



The payroll period for a semiweekly schedule depositor ends on and is paid on Friday,July 10th.The employer must deposit the federal taxes withheld for this pay period on or before:

A) The following Monday.
B) The following Wednesday.
C) The following Friday.
D) The last day of the month.

On Jul 04, 2024



​A firm experiencing constant economies of scale will have a long-run average cost curve that is:

A) ​upward sloping
B) vertical
C) downward sloping
D) ​horizontal

On Jul 03, 2024



An opportunity cost is defined as:

A) the profit of the next best alternative foregone.
B) the additional revenue if we do not drop the product.
C) the additional (incremental) cost of accepting the order.
D) not being relevant if there is excess capacity.

On Jun 04, 2024



Statutes that impose a significant license fee and allow anyone who pays the fee to obtain a license are usually classified as ________.

A) regulatory
B) revenue raising
C) enabling
D) transparent

On Jun 03, 2024



The prairie dog has always been considered a problem for American cattle ranchers. They dig holes that cattle and horses can step in, and they eat grass necessary for cattle. Recently, ranchers have discovered that there is a demand for prairie dogs as pets. In some areas, prairie dogs can sell for as high as $150 each. Cattlemen are now fencing off prairie dog towns on their land so these towns will not be disturbed by their cattle.
Draw a rancher's production possibilities frontier showing increasing opportunity cost of cattle production in terms of prairie dog production. Using a separate graph for each situation, show what would happen to the initial production possibilities frontier in each of the following situations:
a.The outcome is efficient, with ranchers choosing to produce equal numbers of cattle and prairie dogs.
b.As a protest against the government introducing the gray wolf back into the wild in their state, ranchers decide to withhold 25 percent of the available grassland for grazing.
c.The price of prairie dogs increases to $200 each, so ranchers decide to allot additional land for prairie dogs.
d.The government grants new leases to ranchers, giving them 10,000 new acres of grassland each for grazing.
e.A drought destroys most of the available grass for grazing of cattle, but not for prairie dogs since they also eat plant roots.

On May 05, 2024

​ (a) (b)      ​ (c) (d)      ​ (e)    ​ ​ ​ ​ (a) (b)      ​ (c) (d)      ​ (e)    ​ ​ ​
​ (a) (b)      ​ (c) (d)      ​ (e)    ​ ​ ​ ​ (a) (b)      ​ (c) (d)      ​ (e)    ​ ​ ​
​ (a) (b)      ​ (c) (d)      ​ (e)    ​ ​ ​



Pay policies are one of the most important human resource tools for

A) reducing competition in the product market.
B) automating routine activities.
C) persuading customers that high quality is worth a premium price.
D) making decisions about product pricing.
E) encouraging desired employee behaviors.

On May 04, 2024