


Condolence messages should

A) focus on your own sense of loss.
B) avoid referring to the deceased.
C) be short,simple,and sincere.
D) always be sent via electronic media.
E) focus on the future.

On Aug 08, 2024



Which of the following can help make decorative artwork helpful in supporting a message?

A) Using artwork to minimize the message in the slide
B) Creating low-impact images so they don't compete with the message from the speaker
C) Creating images that will pull viewer attention away from the essential elements of the slide
D) Finding and incorporating clipart
E) Using artwork to establish an appropriate emotional tone

On Aug 03, 2024



A U.S. employer operating in a foreign country must abide by U.S. discrimination laws even if doing so violates the laws of that foreign country.

On Jul 09, 2024



Explain what a planning gap is and what is used to close it.

On Jul 04, 2024

A planning gap is the difference between the projection of the path to reach a new goal and the projection of the path of the results of a plan already in place. The ultimate purpose of the firm's marketing program is to fill in this planning gap. This means planning and implementing more aggressive tactics that will allow the new results to meet the new goal.


If the CPI today is 120 and the CPI five years ago was 80, then something that cost $1 five years ago would cost $1.50 in today's prices.

On Jun 07, 2024



Which of the following is the attempt to measure, in objective terms, the impact and effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) practices in terms of metrics such as a firm's financial performance?

A) Utility analysis
B) Ethnographic analysis
C) Market basket analysis
D) Narrative analysis

On Jun 04, 2024



Some economists argue that since inflation

A) raises the real value of fixed nominal wages, a little inflation may make it easier for labor markets to adjust.
B) raises the real value of fixed nominal wages, a little inflation may make it harder for labor markets to adjust.
C) reduces the real value of fixed nominal wages, a little inflation may make it easier for labor markets to adjust.
D) reduces the real value of fixed nominal wages, a little inflation may make it harder for labor markets to adjust.

On May 07, 2024



Discuss a few problems that trigger poor employee performance.

On May 04, 2024

Answers will vary. A number of problems trigger poor performance. These include poorly designed work systems, poor selection processes, inadequate training and skills development, lack of personal motivation, and personal problems intruding on the work environment. Not all poor performance is self-motivated, though; some is induced by the work system. Therefore, a good diagnosis should precede corrective action, and work systems should be the first factor considered. It may be that an employee is subject to a work design or selection system that keeps him from exhibiting good performance. Please see the section "Correcting Poor Performance" for more information.