


The story of Don Quixote is a story of

A) Spain's national decline.
B) Spain's conquest of the New World.
C) Spain's annexation of Portugal.
D) Spain's experience in the Thirty Years' War.
E) Spain's regret over the Spanish Inquisition.

On Jul 10, 2024



Roughly how many African American men served in the U.S.armed services during the First World War?

A) 32,000
B) 124,000
C) 370,000
D) 1,050,000

On Jul 09, 2024



Violent social turmoil in rural areas during the 1760s

A) was due entirely to Great Britain's Proclamation of 1763, which banned western settlement.
B) ended when the British army drove Native Americans beyond the line of settlement.
C) flourished because the British army had no interest in going beyond coastal cities.
D) led to the creation of the Sons of Liberty.
E) involved events in both northern and southern colonies.

On Jun 10, 2024



A riot in 1898 over the question of disenfranchisement left eleven blacks dead and twenty-five wounded in which city?

A) Wilmington,North Carolina
B) Beaufort,South Carolina
C) Mound Bayou,Mississippi
D) Dalton,Georgia

On Jun 09, 2024



Why was the war so good for big business in the United States?

On Jun 07, 2024

Most war orders went to large manufacturers and military contracts typically contained a cost-plus clause, in which the government agreed to pay the cost of production plus a guaranteed profit.


Why did the CIA help General Nguyen Kanh oust General Duong Van Minh in January 1964?

A) Minh did not want to negotiate with North Vietnam.
B) Minh wanted to negotiate with North Vietnam.
C) Minh was not the popularly elected leader of the country.
D) Minh had personally offended President Johnson.

On May 11, 2024



________ was a Scottish immigrant who built an enormous steel company and became a renowned philanthropist.

A) Andrew Carnegie
B) Henry Ford
C) John D. Rockefeller
D) Thomas Edison

On May 10, 2024



Which of the following statements about urbanization is accurate?

A) As bad as American cities were, they were more orderly and beautiful than their European counterparts.
B) American cities proved the truth of "America, the melting pot."
C) American cities were dull, boring, and lifeless.
D) American cities were characterized by a mixture of social classes, ethnic groups, and racial groups that sometimes lived in harmony and sometimes did not.

On May 08, 2024



How did the United States become an overseas imperial power in 1898? Was this mere chance or political design? Discuss.

On May 07, 2024

The United States became an overseas imperial power in 1898 through a combination of political design and strategic opportunities. The Spanish-American War played a significant role in this transformation, as the United States emerged victorious and gained control over territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. This military victory was not mere chance, but rather the result of deliberate efforts by political leaders to expand American influence and power beyond its borders.

Political design also played a crucial role in this shift towards imperialism. Throughout the late 19th century, there was a growing sentiment among American policymakers and intellectuals that the United States should assert itself as a global power. This was driven by a combination of economic interests, a desire for strategic military bases, and a belief in the superiority of American civilization. This expansionist ideology, often referred to as "manifest destiny," was actively promoted by politicians and influential figures such as Theodore Roosevelt and Alfred Thayer Mahan.

Furthermore, the acquisition of overseas territories was not simply a result of chance, but rather the outcome of calculated decisions made by American leaders. The annexation of Hawaii, for example, was the result of a carefully orchestrated campaign by American business interests and politicians to gain control over the islands' valuable sugar plantations and strategic location in the Pacific.

In conclusion, the United States' emergence as an overseas imperial power in 1898 was not mere chance, but rather the result of deliberate political design and strategic calculations. The Spanish-American War provided the opportunity for expansion, but it was the result of a broader imperialist ideology and a concerted effort by American leaders to assert the country's influence on the global stage.


After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was

A) China.
B) France.
C) the Soviet Union.
D) Japan.
E) Great Britain.

On May 06, 2024